Chapter Twenty-Two: Part One

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Narrators POV
I'd be lying if I said I knew the end to this story. The truth is this has been an interesting ride for me too. But alas all good things must come to an end, and this is the beginning of that end. But before we go I need to tell you about Clara Coast.

She has been, and always will be a reaper. The strongest of all reapers actually. The only one that has brought death to dozens within ten years, and she has done it as a mortal. Even still, she is not finished, not yet. I'm not yet done with her, and quite frankly, I don't believe this story is either.

Clara's POV
Was it snow that fell tonight? Or the ash? I could not tell anymore. Whether I was on earth or in hell, it was indistinguishable, and unimportant. Suffering happened on both playing fields, the only difference is that some suffered more on others - it all just depended on your opponent.

Unfortunately for me. It seemed that the opponent I received made this playing field my place to suffer. But I was tired of his turn, he had exhausted it, and now with what Daniel and Sarah had told me; it was my turn.

Jehung Yuen; my second father, used his dying breath to tell them who Y was, and with that the ball fell into my court. It fell into my hands - and I was the best damn player there was. Y knew it too. He knew that once I knew, and once my family had been hurt again, I would find him, and he wouldn't die... He would suffer.

I was the queen of fire. The hound of hell. I was the panther of pain and the deliverer of destruction, and for my entire life I had been slammed into a cage and tortured. So as I took stepped into the Bighit entertainment building; my date was sealed, as was Y's. Or more specifically; Yerimoth - as his name supposedly was.

"Excuse me ma'am were closed." The lady at the front desk informed me snobbishly.

It was her very unlucky night, especially because my father had died once more. So I pulled out my gun, slammed it down on the front desk and said, "Looks like I have a f**king appointment."

Her eyes grew to the size saucers as she slowly knelt down to the ground.

I proceeded to walk to the hall of elevators and press the up button. I stood there patiently, my hands tapping on the assault rifle. My thigh holster loaded with a Glock Nine-millimeter, my entire body racked with knives; from my upper arms, inner wrist, my waist (both back and sides), on the inner side of my boot, and the outer side as well. My last resort to finish him off was a row of three grenades hanging securely from my waist - and my favorite secret weapon to hide all of it from people seeing it as I walk in: leather trench coat, the one thing the matrix did that was understandable.

When the doors slid open, the first thing I was met by was the calming elevator music. It was shallow and gentle, but it made no difference to me. I was two stages passed pissed and one level above murderous.

I stood there awkwardly inside the elevator. It would have been fine if it weren't for the music. I mean this entire moment was basically the comic relief of tonight: a girl decked out in all black with more weapons on her than a military base, standing in an elevator with music twinkling around the space she stood.

I sighed. If only my life were a movie.

I exited the elevator only to be met instantly with a hall that stretch out to my left. In front of me there stood a tall glass window spanning the entire hall. The dark skies outside twitched with the hallow stars that were surely no longer actually there. I breathed in sharply as I looked at these beautiful beings. My father - my real father - always told me that stars were our loved ones watching over us and our actions; if this were true, I was unsure whether my loved ones would be proud of me or not. Do they see me as a murderer... or a minder? Am I a guardian angel or a demon in their eyes.

I was at a constant struggle to prove my worth to the dead, to hold onto the light, and to drive out the dark - yet so far the only I've been able to do is step right into the tar of the world, leaving me in the dark with no sight of the light and showing that I am nothing. I'm not even a martyr. Only sadist, or perhaps a me. Maybe I am a sinner in love with an angel and best friends with a protector who's brother is a broken creation.

My feet stepped out of the golden elevator, onto the teal carpet of the hallway. As I made my way to the double doors at the end of the hallway, my reflection stared back at me. My eyes wondered, could I go back after this?

Images of Daniel flashed into my brain, his blue eyes making me laugh as we sat around a bonfire at the age of fourteen. He was my reason to live back then, although I lived to fight as an Assassin, it was only due to him. For the ability to stay with him; he was my family. Then, Kayden crawled into my head, Him dragging me from my first car accident when I was eighteen. My lungs had collapse, and if it weren't for him I would have died. He was what made me feel alive, even when I wanted to die, and he still does, and will for forever.

I bit down hard on my lip as I thought of Namjoon. I stared down at the silk on my finger that was tied right next to a simple ruby and crystal band.

"With this vow, I release my heart to you, Clara Coast," Namjoon spoke as he stood in the courtroom, "I will be forever yours. My mind, my body, my soul, and everything I am, is yours. I can't say I can protect you better than you can protect yourself, but I can say, that if it is within my power to protect you, I will. If it costs me my life, I will save you from harm. I vow that I will never purposefully leave you in pain, and if I do cause you pain, I will suffer an eternity in hell. I vow that whether we're twenty-eight or ninety-eight, I will still be in love with you. You are my now, you are my future, you are my always."

I took in a deep breath and stared into his eyes, "I promise, that wherever you go, whether I'm there in physical body or in your thoughts, I will try to be the best wife I can be - after all I have never truly been with someone before in the way I have been with you so I honestly don't completely know what to do, but for you I will do whatever I can to the best of my abilities. I promise I will keep you out of harm, and that every dark part of me will not be forced upon you. I promise that if I fall, I will never drag you down with me because you are an angel sent from heaven, and I am a demon that you found the mercy to love, and for that o will be forever grateful. You are my guardian, my angel, my king, my champion, my lover and the man of my dreams. You are my life."

The priest looked at us, then at the court ruler, "With that I must ask that the rings be presented." Hoseok stepped up next to Namjoon and handed him my soon to be wedding band, and Kayden reached up to hand me Namjoon's wedding ring. We turned back to each other, waiting to hear the priest's words, "Kim Namjoon, do you take Coast Clara to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Namjoon giggled and blushed as he nodded his head, "Yes, I do."

"Coast Clara, do you take Kim Namjoon to be your lawfully wedded husband?" It was now my turn to answer.

I could feel both excitement and nervousness bubbling in my throat and stomach, "Without a doubt in my soul, I do."

"You may now exchange the rings." We slid the rings onto each others' fingers, our gaze moving back up to eachother as we held our hands in pure joy, "Namjoon, you may now kiss the bride."


Guys it's literally the beginning of the end, holy crap I want to cry. This is my life right here, I have created this story for like a year and then I started writing it and holy crap it's almost over 😭😭.

What do I do now? Write one about teahyung?






So many options.

Or should I branch off and write about Monsta-X (they are my true love guys, I'm sorry).

I'm so undecided with my life.

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