Chapter Sixteen: Part Three

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This chapter is specifically named: Promises

Narrator's POV
While Clara lay battling herself from within, Kayden and Blood had come to their conclusion. Unfortunately, when Clara awoke, it would not be to happy news.

Clara's POV
I was starting to feel again. I felt the stiff sheets of the hospital bed, and occasionally the hand that would hold mine. But that was it so far, and it was far from being awake again. My mind was now reaching the end of its dark memories as I had relived all the rest during my time within myself.

I needed to wake up soon, or else the darkest memories that I buried in the deepest parts of my mind would resurface, and once that happened there would be no one to stop me. Not even death could stop me, because I am death. I am the reaper of the real world; the judge, the jury, and the executioner are all my friends. We drink tea on the weekends and eat cookies. Then we discuss how many people I've ended. To some they'd call it assassinating, to others it's just executing, but to most - and to myself - it's slaughter.

I was no a victim, yet I felt like one. Up until this year I refused to let myself feel the hatred towards the world. I thought I deserved the right to hate fate. After all it seems I can never catch a break from being screwed over. Maybe if I hated what I've done so much, and if I've really managed to become a new person, then these memories shouldn't be my trigger. They should be my motivation to never become that again.

I've been looking at this situation through a damned key hole. But there isn't a door in front of me, there isn't a wall, there is nothing to control my fate except myself. Life gives you a million opportunities that we decide to look at as either shitty or wonderful. I give up on self pity. When did I become that girl? When did I become the nail paint and sob story? I've become pitiful, and if Blood wants something from me then I'll give her something, you don't come knocking to my door with a gun and expect me not to have a bigger one.

I grit my teeth and dove deep within my past. I yanked on every last memory within me, commanding it to come out and form ranks.

Hope you're prepared Blood, because your step sister is coming to step on you.

Blood's POV
Two hospital beds. Two old acquaintances. One possibly dying, and one becoming the creature I needed her to be.

Sweat dripped down my neck as I spared with a punching bag. My motions were fast, the impacts I created were direct and strong, before long the punching back had split. Sand trickled into the melting snow beneath my feet. I looked down at the trickling dirt that pooled at my feet. The grey covered my black boots. The white snow, the grey sand and the black boots all melted together in a bland image.

"Captain Blood!" Someone called my name.

I rolled my eyes and turned around to see a young sixteen year old running up to me. His dark brown skin blended in with the dark room, his skin was so dark that is almost blended in with his black uniform.

"Yes Private?" I asked, walking away from the bag.

The young man stopped in front of me and bowed slightly, "Commander Coast is said to have woken up from her coma. She's gone A. M. A and discharged herself. Our recon says she knows about Kayden and she appears to be getting ready to strike."

I bit my tongue, I forgot that Kayden was a bump in the plan.

Damn it, I should have known Clara would be pissed that I took out Kayden. He was the one who got her out of our tightly knitted 'club', it should have been obvious that putting him in his death bed would set her on a seething path of rage. I definitely should have known that the path of rage caused by me would be aimed at me. Oh well, I'll just figure out a way to use this rage to my advantage.

Clara's POV
I wasn't crying. I wasn't thinking murderously. I was thinking about what color flowers he'd want at his funeral.

Not because I didn't care. It was because I cared that I bit my lip and shoved my hands into my pocket. I wasn't going to cry when all he wanted for me in life was to smile. I wasn't going to seek out Blood and strangle her when all he wanted was for me to be safe and at peace.

I leaned forward in my chair, the old wood straining to hold my movements. I looked at my brother. He had tubes sticking out of everything. His right arm, his chest, a giant one in his mouth, another one in his left arm. One helped him breath, one kept his heart beating, one kept him fed, and one was for administration of both hydration and medications.

"Kayden." I could barely speak with my voice cracking, "I'm sitting here trying to figure out what you want me to do." I pulled my hands out of my pockets, gripping onto his and lifting it gently to my lips and holding them there, "Blood can't be stopped, not unless I go after her, we both know that. I've been the strongest out of all of those who have been tormented to be there. I've been the strongest since I was fifteen, and now I look back and I don't see children that I trained with anymore. I see a girl who's grown into a psychopath. She feeds off death and destruction and every bone inside me wants to end her life just for being pure evil, but now that she's put you here..." I swallowed the sob that welled in my throat and settled Kayden's hand back on his sheets, but I didn't let go, I refused to let go, "Blood has been a plague I've feared for since you got me out of that hell hole, and now that plague has come here and infected my life.

"She's taken the one thing from my life that I needed most. That I loved most. She took my family; she took you - and I know that all you've ever wanted for me was a peaceful and safe life, but now I look at you and I'm trying to think like you.

"You're a hero Kayden. You always have been. You took a bullet for a young girl you never even knew when you first became my body guard, you faced an entire room of killers when you saved me from purgatory. Now I beg the universe for ability to think like you. I need you. I've always needed you. Fate knows that, Blood knows that, you and I both know that. You were given to me as a gift, a guardian angel, and even now - especially now - I need you.

"I'm a killer, you're a fighter. It's the difference between us. It's also what made us great partners. Please Kayden, fight for me. Fight so that I know I won't kill Blood when I go after her. I'm going to get her, even if it kills me. But for you I refuse to kill, for you I'm going to bring her in...into the police. And I might be arrested for it, but heaven - help me if I do not fulfill your wishes now, then it's proof that I have failed my best friend. I've failed my brother, my family; I've failed you. I won't ever kill any being ever again, so long as I am on this earth. I promise this as long as you promise to live for me.

"I love you, Kayden. I love you. And I need my brother here. You're my everything."

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