Chapter Seven

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Clara's POV
After a short ten minute drive we pulled up to a small, cute little café. Jin led me to the back corner where a booth was located. The front of the cafe where the outlets and free Wifi from the neighboring store reached was packed with people. But the back corner; was quite and peaceful.

Jin and I made small talk as we waited for a waitress. Mainly about the weather, and what we've been up to the past couple days.

"Hello, what can I get you?" A cute waitress with porcelain skin asked.

"I'll have a White Chocolate Mocha, and then can I buy a coffee cake and get it to go when we leave?" Jin asked. Clearly he knows what's up here.

"Of course." The waitress smiled, "and for you?" She turned to me with that both beautiful and frightening smile.

"A hot chocolate with two shots of expresso in it." I smiled

"Alright is that all for today?" She asked.

Jin looked at me with wide eyes, "actually I'll have what she's having. That's sounds delicious."

The waitress laughed, "alright Jin, I'll have those right our for you two." She winked and Jin and gave me a heart warming smile.

Jin and I went back to talking until about our schedules for the next few days.

"On Saturday were completely booked. It's almost painful." Jin sighed.

"Here you are." Our waitress came with our drinks.

I picked mine up after she left, "my Saturday is insane. That night is when I'll become engaged to an asshole."

I took a sip of my drink at the same time Jin almost choked on his.

"You're getting engaged?!?!" He almost shouted.

I nodded silently.

"You're not single?! Who have you been dating?!" Jin fired off questions.

"Neh, I am single. It's an arranged marriage. Jehung and I met with him and his father recently to discuss the marriage and he agreed to it." I looked down at my mug, ".... I didn't have a say..."

Silence enveloped Jin and I like a blanket. Only it didn't feel warm and inviting, instead it was cold and repulsive as I thought about the life i didn't want. The life that I no longer had a say in.

"I think tonight you and I should go for a bar crawl..." Jin's very sudden and very surprising words made me snapped my eyes to his quicker than a cheetah hitting top speed.

"We should what?"

"Tonight. You, me, maybe the guys. We go out and get drunk then wake up with hangovers tomorrow. Tomorrow is the guys' and my own day off. It'll be okay."

I was completely at a lost for words as I try to think of what I wanted to do. I could either stay home being utterly miserable during the last few hours of my freedom, or I could go out and get hammered with alcohol and seven guys that I barely know.

"You know what?" I looked Jin straight in his cute dough eyes, "hell yeah I want to go."

Narrator's POV
After some time at the café, Jin and Clara finally left. Jin gave the Coffee cake he had boughten to Clara as a gift for paying for his groceries. Once Clara had gotten back to her own car she hurriedly drove back to her home to change and get ready for tonight.

Clara's POV
I rushed up to my room and lunged into my bed. I rolled onto my back and pulled open my messages.

To Namjoon-Oppa: hey did Jin tell you?

I waited a few moments before he actually texted back.

From Namjoon-Oppa: neh, he's ranting about how apparently we need to talke you out and find you someone to love, O.o

To Namjoon-Oppa: kekekeke Jin is so sweet. So I'll see you tonight right?

From Namjoon-Oppa: do you want me to go?

I stopped.

Is he asking permission? Why is he asking me?

Thoughts spun around and around in my head and I found myself actually stressing over every word that I could say.

From Namjoon-Oppa: Clara? Are you still there it's been like 3 minutes.

To Namjoon-Oppa: oh sorry Oppa I was thinking. Yes I would like you to go tonight.

From Namjoon-Oppa: that's the first time you've called me Oppa.... I always get called that, but it's sweet when you call me it. I would love to come for my Yeobo.

My breath caught in my the ought as I tried to stand. I needed to pick out an outfit for tonight, but I couldn't think as I stared at Namjoon's text. I set my phone down. I didn't know what to say or do so I figured I would just leave it until tonight and focus on other matters at hand; matters like finding what to wear.

After a few hours and a lot of clothes on my floor later, I decided on black jeans, black knee high boots with a slight heel, a black long sleeve with a very heavy black sweater/cardigan and a black knit beanie. I grabbed my phone, slipping it into a case that can hold all my cards and placed my driver's license and a credit card in there. I also grabbed fifty dollars cash just in case of emergency.

My phone buzzed as I slid it into my back pocket. I sighed and pulled it back out. My phone screen was illuminated with texts from V, Jin and Namjoon.

I checked the messages from Jin first.

From Jinny: hey we're about to leave, I put your address in and we'll be there in about 5 minutes.

V: hey Clara-ssi, we're pulling into your drive way.

I texted both of them that I was on my way down. I sped down the stairs, practically leaping. I pulled out my phone to try and check Namjoon's text before I got in the car. I swung open the door and went to step out, my phone still in my face.

Just as i went to read the first word I ran smack into someone.

A slight chuckle caused me to look up. I was met by strong, deep brown eyes. Strong arms held my waist to keep me from falling.

"You might want to slow down, Yeobo." Namjoon whispered the last part, "I would want you to get hurt." His breath tickled my ear as he talked quietly to me.

I straightened up, pulling myself out of Namjoon's arms. I bowed, "Gamsahabnida, Oppa."

Namjoon laughed at me, "Come on, we wouldn't want to keep the guys waiting."


Gamsahabnida - thank you

Double update as a gift for Waspwings

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