Cut through

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Maddie's POV
Of course this had to happen 10 minutes before the duet....
What happened 10 minutes before my duet was that I hurt my ankle while trying to run through my duet with Destiny. It hurt like all hell but I didn't want to let down Abby or Destiny. I remembered the soft cast I had brought in case of emergencies, all I could think was, "Thank god I came prepared." I quickly wrapped it around my ankle ran through the duet one last time, then it was time to go on stage.
"Next up we have Entry 13b, Maddie and Destiny with The Golden Girls." I heard over the speaker. We walked on stage, holding hands and got into our beginning positions. The music started and so did we. We danced through it, when I had to do the turns I almost fell out of them. Because my ankle just couldn't take the weight of me, but luckily it was only three. Everything else went off smoothly if I do say so, it did hurt very bad but I had to push myself to cut through and not disappoint anybody. We got offstage and hugged. "How's your ankle, I saw you almost fell out of the turns."
"It hurts a lot but at least we got through it. After the group dance I'm home free. Let's go."

Hiya 💗 I'm really bored, so I decided to write all the chapters. They're all finished but I decided to post each of them separately, at different times. In about an hour or two the next chapter will be posted. See you then 💖

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