Of course you would...

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Maddie's POV
When we had arrived at the competition we got registered and headed for our room. I hadn't seen anything trace or sign of Cathy or any Candy Apples for that matter. It's like they were just in the lobby to intimidate us or something, I mean there's no point unless you're actually competing...
~~~ time skip brought to you by Sans ~~~
Kendall's POV
My heart pretty much pounded out of my chest. Miss Abby just had to put sooo much stress on me just about 5 minutes before I go on. 5 minutes fly real fast when you're not thinking about it.

- flashback -
I slipped on the dress for my solo, then started applying my makeup. Just then, Miss Abby walks up to the middle of the room to make an announcement.
"Girls, also just a quick announcement. I was going to announce this next week but since it always takes awhile to decide solos I'll start looking now at everyone now because....nationals is in 6 weeks. That sounds like a long time but with each competition we become one week closer. Ok my solos need to go out there and kill it! Let's go girls!" The entire time she was talking I kept applying my makeup, when she said nationals was soon I was doing my cat eye and almost made it go out to my ear. I had to quickly take a towel and redo it. We then got to the stage just in time for the solo before me to be just about done.
I began my solo, nervous while doing it because of just the thought of Miss Abby looking precisely at my technique, expression and just me doing my solo. This was basically my ticket to doing a solo at nationals if I do well on it. Not to make it so dramatic but everything rode on this solo. Of course this had to happen right before my solo... While all this ran through my head, I performed my solo completely out of it. It just came naturally, almost like it was a habit. That's what you get for having to practice it 24/7 when you have only a week to learn it and do it. Right before I ended my solo with a set of turns, I saw Miss Abby smiling and I wasn't sure if she was laughing or was actually happy with my performance. I guess I'll have to find out later. I end my solo sitting down with one of my hands in the air slightly bent. I stand up and walk off stage.

Hiya! Sorry for the writers block but hey at least I have now written a chapter. Also, if you have watched the video disregard the ending where it says Kendall gets third because I will probably not follow that and change it up a little bit. Well until next chapter 💕 ~disneysky34 (mar.5,2016)🌸💙

Update: so if you see this update or any others I'm actually reading the book to make sure I can refine it and stuff, to make sure it makes sense. for example, last chapter it said Cathy was at the competition but them at the beginning of this one it says they weren't there at all...so just small refinements. lol I don't know how you guys liked this...I remember I felt so bad for not updating that that's sort of how I came up with that chapter with Sophia Lucia...that was when I hadn't made a proper layout for the book yet and hadn't organized the chapters. Anyways I'll be updating the book because I'm cleaning up the bits and pieces that don't make sense and other details. ~ disneysky34 (oct.24,2016)

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