Back at ALDC...

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So, there's the pyramid and fyi the white square is where Destiny's picture is gonna go...Anyways, enjoy!

Maddie's POV  (4 days until competition)
The team walked into the studio, moms with shoes pulled off and kids wearing ALDC sports wear.  "So, we had a clean sweep in Washington DC. Yayy! Everybody should be clapping." Then everybody to cheer and clap for the team. "Anyways, time for pyramid." There was a heavy silence that hung heavy anticipation. "We are going to Intensity Dance Competition in Fort Wayne, Ohio. Now, let's start with..." She had her hand on the bottom position. " are on the bottom because he didn't point your feet for about half the dance, and sometimes your facials did not match with the dance.
Next is.... Kendall. Kendall, you were ok.. You didn't stand out, I need more... Ok, so next is Ms.Mackenzie. I think you did really good on the death jump with Kalani, you had some good facials...but, that was it..Like Kendall, I need more. I put you on the bottom because I want you to improve and putting you on the bottom might give you a force to push yourself to work harder. Next up is...Destiny..." Whoa, I thought she would've been on the top... Everybody's faces were twisted to show confusion. "The moms complain that I give the new kid, whenever we get one, the red carpet treatment. So, I put you here. I know you can handle being on the bottom of the pyramid...Also, I do believe you need to be here on the pyramid. Yes you definitely are a great dancer but you need to work on technique. You need to square your hips on turns, and sometimes you don't even point your feet." 
All Destiny did was nod and say thank you very quietly. "Alright, next we have Nia." Her mom was ecstatic to be that close to the top. "You were second, good job Nia. You would've been second on the pyramid, except for the fact," she had her hand on the second position paper "that Kalani was first in the teen division with her solo. So congrats, and at the top is Maddie. Maddie you were first and you looked stunning." I flashed a smile to show my gratitude.
"Thank you Miss Abby."
"For solos, we have Mackenzie doing a solo titled 'Sink or Swim'. Are you going to float like a bubble, or sink like rock? also have a solo. It is called 'Immortal'. It's pretty, and it's lyrical. The final solo is going to of course Maddie." Me? Really? What about Destiny?? 
"It's called You Go Go Girl. It's also something you have done in awhile, tap. We also have a duet. It's called 'The Golden Girls'." Like my solo?? Wait, who is she giving it to?? "Destiny, you will be dancing with....Maddie." So I have a solo, duet and group?? Oh no...
"Finally, our group routine. It's called 'Broken Dolls'. Yes I know we've done it already but I thought it did really well so I wanted to do it again. It has to be perfect, it's ballet. If it's not perfect we are not going to win." This is gonna be a fun week...oh boy.

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