The Sleep

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Maddie fell to the floor, and before you knew it she was out cold...everybody stared at her, lying on the tile floor unconscious. Then, after after all of them had registered what had happened they ran to her aid.

Maddie's POV
(a/n the italics used below means what's happening in the dream)
The entire ALDC team was walking back towards the dressing room, with a pink lemonade in my hand. I had looked over at Destiny who was talking to her mom. I had started to study her facial details like her eyes... But then she had noticed me and started staring back at me but with...with what looked like anger and I decided to break eye contact. She quickly said something to her mom before walking in my direction. "Hey Maddie..." She smiled sweetly, but it seemed so fake that it gave me a suspicion that she was just pretending to be nice.
"Hey Destiny...."
"Can I tell you something??"
"Sure, go right ahead..."
"You have lemonade on your shirt and shorts..."
I looked down at my clothes. "No I don-"
"Now you do!" She grabbed my lemonade and splashed most of the cup on me. She stopped walking, took the remaining little bit and poured it on her self. She then started to pout and cry...wait a minute...oh that sneaky little...girl... "Miss Abby!" Abby walked quickly towards her. "Maddie poured her lemonade on me!" She pointed a finger towards me, "Then she poured the rest on her self to make it seem like I poured it on her."
"Maddie! Why would you do such a thing?" My mom interjected.
"Mom, I didn't do it...Destiny's-"
"Covered in lemonade Maddie..." Abby then interrupted. She looked like she was trying to stay calm. "Kendall and Nia, take Destiny to the bathroom to clean up...Maddie you come with me. Melissa (Maddie's mom if you don't know her name) you come too." It was a short walk to the dressing room. Abby closed the door before starting to talk. "Maddie..why? Why did you pour lemonade on Destiny?"
"Miss Abby, I didn't. I promise, SHE was the one who splashed lemonade on ME. She had told me I had lemonade on my clothes and before I could respond she took the cup and splashed it on me. Whatever remained in the cup she had splashed on her self to make it look like I had done it..."
"I don't believe it..." She said in shock.
"Thank you, you get that I didn't do it?"
"No, I don't believe it that you're making up stories to get out of trouble. I expect more out of you... I was going to have you two do a duet, but now...I don't think so anymore...To make sure you don't have anymore behavior like this at all I'm not letting you perform a solo, in a duet, and maybe even in the group dance next week. Now, go get changed into dry clothes while I discuss this with your mom."
Tears started streaming down my face, my eyes were clouded with tears so my sight was blurry. I ran out into the hall and before the moms could ask anything I had gone into the bathroom. I had heard a pair of heels following shortly behind. Now I was in the bathroom, where I saw Nia and Kendall helping Destiny dry off what little bit of lemonade she had on her shirt. I walked into a stall when I heard Kendall start to talk. "Maddie...what happened?" Even before I could open my mouth, her mom Jill had come in and asked the same exact question. I came out of the stall after drying some tears and simply said, "Destiny...and I probably won't be performing next week..." I eyed that girl with anger before storming out. The second I got out, I put on a faint smile to the moms and saying, "I'm alright. Just a problem that was handled. I don't want to worry you." I walked back into the dressing, picked up my bag, stuffed with my costume and some extra clothes, and grabbed my phone, charger and shoes before walking back out. This time, instead of  walking to the bathroom where they were I went to another girls' bathroom; there was one near the entrance of the competition building so I headed for that one instead. I sat in the stall forever before deciding I needed to stay somewhere to stay. I then remembered that an old friend of mine had moved to Washington DC... I decided to give a call. The entire duration of the call I could hear Destiny laughing evilly as if she was right there. But then, a totally unexpected new sound was heard. "Maddie! Maddie!" A sweet little voice called. "Maaadie!" It echoed. It sounded just like my sister's voice...
"Maddie! Maddie!!" I fluttered my eyes open. "Oh look! She's awake!" Mackenzie screamed. I looked around, I was lying down on the tile floor in the dressing room. I sat up and my head was pounding. I started to massage my forehead a little bit.
"What happened? My head hurts..." The entire ALDC team stared at me with wide eyes, especially Kendall. Seriously, what happened? So I asked just that... "Seriously, what happened? Why are you all staring at me??"
My mom walked over to my side to help me up. "Well, honey the team was coming back and Miss Abby had started to congratulate the team on the wins and all that while you and Kendall were just looking at each other. Before Abby had finished her little talk, you had fainted onto the floor. You had blacked out for about an hour and a half..." I just stared in disbelief.

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