Chapter 1 - updated

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Chapter 1

"Katelyn," Sasha whined. She had been doing this every day since the beginning of their college life. It was how their life went, go to class, go to the dorm and get hounded by Sasha, go to sleep, and go back to class the next day.

"It's a week day," Kate complained, she had studying to do. "I'm here on scholarship, I need to study."

"You have the best grades in the class Kate. One night out isn't going to hurt anything," Sasha argued. Katelyn has been trying for years to keep her grades pristine, she had cried at times when her grades slipped.

"Yeah, it will. Knowing you, we'll be out all night." Sasha was an eccentric partier, if she wasn't at a party, the girl was lost.

"You need to get laid," Sasha scoffed. Braisen, ballsy.

"Sasha!" Kate screeched. Every male in our co-ed dorm hallway were watching, wide-eyed and grinning like fools. Each smirking as if they would volunteer their services. She was not interested.

"Well, how long has it been Katelyn," Sasha rolled her eyes and popped her hip out with her hand firmly gripping her side. "I haven't seen any guys coming over to our dorm since like you moved here months ago."

"Don't get me started," the brunette snorted, if only Sasha knew how horribly wrong she was. There were reasons Katelyn hadn't indulged in sexual pleasures as Sasha does...

Guys whistled and winked as the two girls passed. "Shut up," Katelyn snapped as her cheeks flushed.

"Kate, I really think you'll like this guy. He's Jon's best friend," Sasha pouted, setting people up was like Sasha's calling in life.

Katelyn had seen Jon many times and she couldn't complain about it. He was a very attractive guy; tall, dark hair, and had beautiful golden liquid honey eyes. He and Sasha had been dating for a while now.

The two girls entered their dorm room finally and Kate sighed in relief; finally free of the hormonal boys staring at her. The warm yellow and pink accented room was the epitome of a girl's dorm. Music posters covered the walls along side pictures of fun nights out with old friends.

"Please," Sasha whined as she bounced on her own full sized bed, messy and covered in clothing from Sasha's morning toss around of the closet.

"Fine," Kate groaned. She flopped back onto her own bed and covered her face in disbelief. Why was she agreeing to such things?! "What time will they be here?"

"After last period, four o'clock," Sasha beamed and bounced up and down. Her twinkling eyes and gleaming cheeks reminded Katelyn of a child eagerly awaiting ice cream.

Kate grabbed her books for her final class, Pediatric Medicine, then shoved them into her teal messenger bag. "Okay," she sighed as she walked out the door. "I'll be here."

Sasha smiled and clapped her hands playfully as she raced to the door. "You'll really like him. I can't wait till you meet him!" Her words traveled down the hall in her singsong tone. Kate simply nodded and waved goodbye as she continued on her way.

Katelyn made it to class with ten minutes to spare. She climbed the steps to her forth row chair and slid in behind the greasy pimple faced nerd who surely would never become a successful children's doctor, probably scaring more away than helping. Kate pulled out her thick shiny and immaculate text book and began to read the next chapter. Professor Patrick, was not in the class yet, repeatedly late due to his overly plump body slowing him down.

"Good afternoon class," Professor Patrick said sadly. "Please excuse me for a few moments; I need to speak with a student privately."

Kate looked up as the professor stopped at her desk, "Hello," she greeted casually. She had nothing to worry about; Mister Patrick and she had never had issues. She was a good student, top of her class and on her way to graduate school.

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