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Be Jake===>

( she is inside oh johns body. If i haven't made it clear she is a body jumper and she is in john right now )

John laughs as you grew angry

" get OUT OF HIS BODY" you yelled making her laugh.

" noooo~ because i figured it out jaaakkyy" she said putting her fingers to her lip.

" i just remembered you guys are models of creation and destruction right? Sooo in the books.... " she got a killer look as johns body grew its tail and nails.

" how do kill creation " she smirked.

" oh fuck" you said realizing.

" BY A SHIT TONE OF DESTRUCTION " she screamed lunging at you.

You make the ground throw Hal, Dirk and Dave away from you as she came hammering down on you. Just in time you had put your arms up to block her blow.

" so Jake what will it be let me kill you or you kill me and your only family left" she said with a giggle.

" you screw off " you told her having the ground turn to liquid under you. You fell right in like it was water.

She grew angry and tried to follow to only bash her head into the floor.

" OOWW FUCK" she yelled making you grab her from under ground. Without hesitation you shoot down 70 or so feet letting her go before you shot up out of the ground.

" dude what the fuck was that?" Dirk said running over to you.

" I trick I learned years ago. I basically become the ground " you said huffing. The ground started to shake making you grab the 3 an with a bit of a struggle take off flying. You held one of Dave and dirks arms and they held onto Hal who was a lot heavier then he looked. You barely were able to take them to the end if the city before you crashed.

" Jake you okay?" Dirk and Dave said in unison.

" what the definition of okay here?" You asked sitting up wincing.

" what the fuck are we gonna do?" Dave asked starting to pace around.

You stayed quiet as dirk went to go look at Hal.

He wins boyfriend of the year award.

" i don't know. ... i cant hurt her because John will get hurt. " you said fixing your shoulder a bit.

" i m-m-m-m-m-may hav-ve a-a-a-a-A plan-n " Hals said as dirk worked on his voice box.

" lets here it Mr. sparky " you said looking at Hal.

Be john ( her ) ===>

After you dug yourself out of the ground you found Jake and the others gone. You went into a rage fit till you were brought back to YOUR thrown room.

" IMA KILL HIM IMA KILL HIM! then his fucking Boyfriend. Then this little bitchs boyfriend then destroy this meat suit" you snarl.

" um.....Ms...why would you destroy that body?" A maid said making you spin around in anger.

You lunged at her grabbing her head.

"And why wouldn't i destroy this body?" You said starting to squeeze her head.

" because ...its. Extremely strong and you would..be..unstoppable! " the maid said as you popped her head like a grape.

" huh...you have a good point" you said dropping her dead body to lick the blood off your fingers.

" oohh~ this body loves the taste of angel blood ohh~ ffuck!" You moan out licking the blood off more till your hand was completely clean.

"Mmmnn~ damn...I think she was right...I will keep this body " you smirk going to your holding room. This is where you keep the souls of your past contracts and or the place you find new ones.

You walked to a special box on the wall. It was green with yellow caution tape.

This box was one of your favorites to play with.

It contains the soul of Jake's stupid grandfather.

You pick it up and look in the key whole. You see what you have done to him. He was dead on the inside. You had made his soul break into pieces. The long torment of his dead family and hurt grandson broke him beyond help.

"Hahaha you fucking coward you look so sad i could let you go...but I wont. I wonder what Jake would do if he knew the thing that killed his family wasn't his grandfather ." You said with a laugh as you feel something in the back of your head.

Someone was trying to make a contract with you.

You chose to ignore it till the feeling got worse.

" FINE FUCKING HELL" you yelled and snapped the person who was trying to get a contract with you into the room.

You see Dave standing there tears stained on his face.

" OOHhhhh~ for you I would make 100 contracts " you smirk a bit as you walked over to him with a bit of a lustful hip sway. You were in his lovers body.

" how can i help you babe~?" You say having your new tail slither out.

" don't call me that..... " Dave said looking away.

" should i have less clothing on? I can be naked ? I know you want that so bad" you said slowly pulling your shirt down to show your shoulder.

" ......can we get to why I'm here?" Dave asked looking away.

" fine your no fun" you said pulling the shirt up.

" what can I do for you davvyy" you said pushing an old soul box on the floor so you could sit on the stand.

" I will give you Jake and dirk if you give me johns and his body back" Dave said making you a bit shocked.

" you would turn them in?" You asked curious.

" i already have....if you bring the objects to my left and right you will have them..." Dave said slow and in pain.

You raise a brow as you snap your fingers.

" and you can have Hals body dirk fixed him up" Dave added. You quickly bring the objects to find Jake to his right tied up and a bag over his head and dirk to the left in the same way.

" so instead of your soul. ....you give me jakes, dirks and a body..... hmm.. that's...new... i like it" you smirk a bit as you bent down to dirk.

" i hope you know your gonna go back in your pretty little box" you smirk saying as you take the bag off of dirks head. You gasp when you see Hal looking at you. Hal smirked as the ropes that bounded him fell off. He punched you in the face sending you crashing into a few soul boxes that were located on a wall.

You growl looking at Dave who you now realize was taller.

His hair was gelled in place making you realize it was dirk pretending to be Dave. You roar out in anger as Jake flipped off the ground ready to kick your ass with dirk and Hal at his side.

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