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Be John ===> (finally but short cuz meh big plans later on it will switch to them more)

* 3 days in*
Blood. The stuff was everywhere.... The air. The walls. The floors. And even on the people you were trapped with. You haven't eaten in weeks, which was especially bad right now; considering that you feed mainly on blood. You always try to avoid blood till you absolutely have no other choice. Jake usually cooks it into food for you so that you don't have to see it. He'd told you that many things in cooking can be substituted with blood; eggs being one of the main things. Jake asked you to eat before he left, but you didn't want to. Now, it's just your luck; you're trapped in a supermarket with blood all over. When Jake first learned of your phobia of blood, he almost died laughing at the irony but that was almost 200 years ago and he has now accepted it but that doesn't mean you have. You sat in the corner trying to calm down the iron smell in the air that was making your stomach turn from hunger and disgust.
"What's so good about blood anyways..? T-The...iron taste? That feeling of it... Running down your throat... the taste if it's O blood.... Oh... O blood is so!" You felt your instinct kick in as the demon in you that you never let out finally rushed forth.

Be Dirk ===>
You were helping an old lady out to get food when a cold chill ran down your spine.
"John." You muttered to yourself, feeling the negative energy emitting out of the corner of the market where John was. You without thought left the lady to go to John. When you turned the corner it was like a wave of negative emotions hit you. John was sitting in a ball, his eyes glowing bright blue with black slits in them. He had a grin that stretched to both sides of his face. It was like pure darkness was emitting from this boy.
"That's the demon I knew you were..." You commented to John, reaching for your blade.
"Blood...type....O.... Is the best." John murmured slowly. You could see his eyes grow brighter than before. His nails started to grow along with his teeth.
You drew your knife, ready to fight, but John snapped out of it.
"N-n-no no! No, no...! Go away! Stop, stop! I-it's..." He panicked, starting to hit his head on the wall to snap out of it. The negative energy completely vanished.
John crawled out of the corner and into a the supermarket manager's office before locking the door behind him. You were extremely confused. You let go of your knife, letting it fall back in its case.
"...John?" You asked, walking up to the door before gently knocking on it twice.
"GO AWAY! P-please... The smell is too much... Just, please, please go away...!" John said from inside the room.
"...Fine. I will help with the blood smell the best that I can." You told him before running off to find all the air fresheners you could find. You started to spray can after can of it all around the store, to the point where you were almost choking on the smell of the chemicals. You went through 5 cans before John thanked you. He sounded calmer than he was before.
"Yeah... No problem." You said leaving him there.
* 5 days in*
we had almost run out if air, but John used his powers to keep the air going. Your main focus was to keep John from killing people. A demon voluntarily starving itself is extremely painful and hard to do. It's actually a surprise that John could do it.
You found yourself not getting much sleep because you were watching the door and waiting for John to slip up or let go of his will. You thought about your brother and how worried he must be. "Naw... His ass ain't worried. He's probably partying." You comment to yourself. The conditions down here were getting worse and worse. People were getting sick with fevers and madness. The smell of the meat section didn't help anything at all.
"...John, you okay?" You asked, getting up to knock on the door to have no response. You knocked again to have the same response.
"Coming in... Don't try and eat me, okay...?" You said to him and you open the door. It was locked, but the door frame was broken so it was more to make John feel better. When you stepped in you could see claw marks on the walls all around the room. John was curled into a ball on the floor his own blue blood he threw up in response to the starvation. His body was finally starting to eat itself. The poor child on the floor was almost all skin and bone as he breathed slowly. He didn't even have enough strength to sit up or to even look at you.
John was seriously going to die within the next day or two if he didn't eat something. You growl to yourself as you close the door behind you.
"Jake will kill me if I let you die, so..." You said scooping him up in your arms. You were expecting him to be heavy but he was as light as air.
You sat down with the boy in your arms leaning against the door.
You puts John face to the crook of your neck.
"Go ahead. I'm willing letting take from me." You told him.
John didn't move much, but his breathing sped up.
"John. Just go ahead and take from me. I know you want to. I won't hurt you after, I promise." You told him being somewhat honest.
John started to purr, but it was more of a growl than anything. You could hear his fangs grow as he moved a bit to adjust his angle. You close your eyes, waiting for the bite but it never came.
"I will be taking him from you now." A familiar voice said.
You open your eyes to see Jake, taking John out of your arms.
"Sorry that I took so long. Haha" Jake said smiling. He held John bridal style as he moved to show a tunnel.
"That's your way out. If anyone asks, you dug it yourself. I will be leaving with John now". Jake said turning away with John.
"Oh and... Thank you for helping him. It's probably hard for you to understand this but... Bye now." Jake said. Before you could say anything, Jake was gone. You got up making your way to the others to tell them of the tunnel. They were almost too happy to get out of that hellhole. When you got out, people were swarming everyone. Med teams were the main ones. You just snuck away to your home where Dave waited to yell at you for making him worry. He yelled at you for about 2 hours before you got bored of it and left to go shower. The air was so much better up here instead of the air down there. It smelled of blood and air freshener.

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