truth or lie

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be Dirk ===>

* 2 weeks ago*

You and jakes relationship was unstable. Ever since you saw his past he has been cold to you.
"Jake.....I wanna talk to you.." you said to him as he walked past you.
" I'm busy" he said pulling out his phone.
You scowled grabbing him by the arm and dragging him to his room.
" so I'm going to tell you how my brother died" you said sitting him down.

* flash back*
Be 10 year old dirk===>

" what do you mean we aren't doing it anymore?" You said bitterly at your older bro.
" because lil man its not a job I want you to take up so after this job I'm done and so are you got it" he said simply handing 5 year old dave his food.
" THEN why did you teach me!" You said getting upset.
Bro shot you a glare well you felt it. He never showed emotions at all not happy sad nothing.
" because it's getting to dangerous and I don't want dave in this job" he said bluntly.
" THEN don't teach him! I still want to" you said getting up.
"DIRK! I SAID NO" he raised his voice at you with his emotionless face.
You huffed going to your room
"I'M NOT GOING WITH YOU THEN" you yelled back at him.
"FINE I NEVER ASKED YOU TO GO PUNK" bro said in anger.
"I HOPE YOU DIE" you screamed before in anger slamming the door. That was a big mistake you heard your brother stomp his way to your room. He got to the door but didn't come in. He didn't break anything he just sighed and walked away.
You just brush it off to go to your body mirror getting your sword. You loved how you looked with it.
" so cool" you mumbled putting it down.

*small time skip from 11 am to 7 pm*

You got ready to go with bro. You wouldn't let him go alone and you wouldn't let this mission go. You walked down the stairs.
" no you're not going" bro said coldly as he put on his hat.
" yes I am what are you talking about " you said annoyed.
" someone needs to watch dave so you're staying here " he said getting his blade.
" but" you said looking down.
" ...dirk" he said making you angry.
" FUCKING FINE! " you yelled storming upstairs throwing all your stuff on the bed going back downstairs to the couch. Bro let dave hug him. Bro came over to ruffle your hair but you push his hand away. You could have sworn he looked sad but he left anyways.
As he left you picked dave up putting him in his bedroom.
" I'm not tired dirk put me down" dave whined
" you're staying in here till he gets back" you said simply.
"Where is he going?" Dave asked.
"Work now shut up" you mumbled closing the door. You get a chair to put under his door handle since it opens outward. You went to the living room to put on a show.

You were completely oblivious to the fact your brother had snuck out his bedroom window to follow your big brother. In the show your favorite character just got in a fight with his older brother and was forced to watch his baby brother while his brother went out to work. The older brother didn't know he was going to get hit by a car.
"Aw man the brothers been killed by a hit and run that sucks" you mumbled
" stay tuned in for next week when we find out the brothers death wasn't an accident!" The tv man said as you turn off the tv. Your phone buzzed with a call from bro.
You went to answer
" what"
"WHAT * clanking noises * IS THE ONE THING I GAVE YOU TO DO" your brother yelled at you. A sigh left your mouth as you walked to daves room " he is here in his room " you said moving the chair going into daves room to see dave not there.
"Oh....." you said slowly
" YOU HAD ONE * snarling in the background * FUCK! Just GET HERE AND GET DAVE NOW * dave crying in the background *"bro hung up making you run to get your sword. You got the location off bros computer before you ran there. It was at a old barn in the middle of woods.
"...bro?" You called out.
You heard a snarl then scurrying.
You slowly started to walk to the barn, when you walked in you saw 20 dead bodies. They were all level 3. The information on the computer said there was only 20 level 3 demons here. You walk seeing the mother of the hive dead.
"Bro?" You called out.
" d-diirrrkk" you heard dave cry out. You ran to where you heard the noise. You turn the corner to stop in your tracks. Your bro laid down on the floor dead dave holding him crying.
" he wont wa-ke up " dave cried a bit louder. This didn't make sense all 20 demons were dead and the hive mother was dead they should of stopped fighting and ran from bro. You pick up dave holding tears in your eyes. You knocked dave out cold so you could have your break down.

*end of flash back*

"If I went with him jake...he wouldn't have died....." you said looking down.
" I wished death on him jake " you said shaking a bit.
Jake hugged you " no it's not trust me on that its not your fault " jake said hugging you tightly.
Jake started to pat your head well he tried with your gelled hair.
" don't get sentimental on me" you laughed a bit.
"I'M TRYING TO comfort SHUT UP I'm trying " jake huffed as you chuckle.
" like is your hair HAIR? Or is it a secret porcupine " jake mumbled pushing off of you.
" that's a secret to being as cool as me" you said with a laugh.
" lies" jake said leaving you in the room.

( a hive is a nest where level 3 demons stay. They are rare and like a nest for a levek 2 will always have the nest mother. She or he is the strongest of all the ones there

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