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Be Dirk ====>

It's been about 2 weeks since you made peace with Jake and John, Now, you guys were friends, even though John and Jake would tick the hell out of you for fun. One time you fell asleep in class so Jake drew dicks all over your face. Who does that to YOU?! A crazy person... Or a cocky demon. That's who. Most of your week was spent on the new codes for Hal.
You finished them up just a few seconds ago. You went to Hal's old files and erase it all. You glance at Hal who was plugged into the computer. Dave said he was acting up but you can't find anything, so you just figured it was just Dave being Dave.
You start to upload the new codes when your phone rings.
You answer it.
"Great morning, don't you think?" It was none other than Jake on the line.
"It's okay I guess. Why?" You asked him finishing up with a few minor things as the upload started.
"Want to do something later? It's on me." He asked making you raise a brow.
"Is this where the evil level 4 kills the Hunter?" You asked playing . You hear Jake laugh a bit before he replied.
"Yes it is. Now, pick where you wanna go." He said making you hum in response.
"The movies I guess, where I won't have to see your ugly faaccee. See you at 8, Jake." You said before hanging up on him.
You clean the smile off your face before you went out the room to Dave.
"What are you doing? " you asked him as you sat on the couch.
"I'm trying to find the background of Jake and John... Everyone has a story and I want to know theirs." Dave said flipping through files in his laptop.
"Cool." You told him leaning back when the door rang. You got up to see who and it was an annoyed Jake.
"When I asked if you wanted to do something, I meant like now. I was bored, so we are doing something now." He said grabbing you before he dragged you out of your house.
"Wait, wait, wait! Let me get dressed first!" You complained when he lets go.
You huff before you run to your room getting on your usual outfit before you got your wallet. You walked back out to Jake who waited kindly.
"Okay, we can go now." You said and like that Jake had you and you were off.
The day was spent nicely. It was more fun than anything. Jake would do his heavy accent voice before he said something strange, making you laugh.
You and Jake get along well. Really well. It was like something was drawing the both of you together.
"Say....Dirk. What's your story? How did you and Dave get to be Hunters? I mean, you don't have to answer if you don't want to. I was just curious. " Jake asked you making you sigh.
"Me and Dave had an older brother... Bro Strider and well... Simple thing is he was a Hunter, and a damn good one too... He said he was going to give up on his hunting to help us get a better life. He said one more job. It paid really well to be a level 1 class case. So he packed his normal level 1 case stuff and he walked into a level 3 nest with over 20 of 'em in it. He didn't come out.. We found his body, or what was left of it anyways... I was going to take revenge on all demons and Dave joined me... So, yeah. That's basically our life in a nutshell." You said sighing. Jake nods before he walks on.
"What about yours? How did you and John get here?" You asked Jake as he froze.
" I.... I don't wanna talk about it..." He said walking in making you annoyed. "Look, I told you my pain, so tell me yours." You said grabbing his arm.
Jake didn't answer, which made you furious.
"What, you think your life is as bad as raising your baby brother alone; knowing your brother was ripped to pieces alone?!" You snap at Jake who spun around so fast. He grabbed you by the neck. "You don't know what pain is." Jake said coldly with a killer look in his eye.
"...I'm going home." He dropped you before walking away from you. Something in the back of your mind was cursing at you, and telling you to fix what you just did, but you ignore it. You go back home to see Dave asleep on the couch. You sigh looking at him before you go back to your room. You sit down at your computer looking that the finished upload to Hal.
"At least one thing went right today..." You mumbled, leaning over to Hal to unplug him from the computer and to turn him on . You froze for a second when you see he wasn't plugged in and that he was already on.
"You try and delete me..... Well fine... I guess I will delete you... " Hal said coldly as he kicked you across the room.
You yelp in surprise as Hal got off the ground to walk over to you. He picked you up by your throat. "Let's see who is afraid of not existing now."

Be Jake ====>
You can't believe Dirk had the nerve to say that to you! You were sitting on the couch in your home as John tried to make you happy with skulls.
"I can go out and find some plastic ones!" John said with a determined face.
"John, I'm fine... And you know I collect real ones, not fake ones." You said to him.
" ....Well, I'm not going to go kill anything to get one." John said sitting down with a huff.
"We get it, you're scared of blood, but I don't kill them.... Well, the human skulls I have are past hunters that have pissed me off, but the animal ones are just dead animals I have come across that I took the skull of." You told him sitting up. It's been about 3 hours since you got back from the hang out with Dirk. John said it was a date but it wasn't, it was a hang out. You wouldn't date a Hunter.
"Let me make you food because if I don't you will be pissy." You said getting up.
"I'm always pissy." John states.
"Yeah, I know I've lived with you over a hundred years." You said going to the kitchen.
You gets the pots out as soon as someone almost broke down the door. "I got it " John said getting up to open the door to show Dave who was out of breath.
"What's wrong, Dave?" John asked as Dave breathed heavily.
" Dirk.... Danger... Hal...rampage. ..kill.." Dave said through breaths.
"Slow down... What? Where is your car? Did you run here from your house? " John asked as Dave calms down a bit.
"Dirk's robot Hal went rampant and he took Dirk away to the forest at the end of town. He plans to kill him... You guys gotta help me. I tried to stop him but it clearly didn't work." Dave said holding his side.
" John, bring Dave in here now see to his side. I got Dirk, okay?" You said running to your room to get your guns.
"Holy hell... Dave you ran here with broken ribs!" John exclaimed.
You ran out your room to see Dave laying on the couch in pain with a black and blue bruise on his side.
"Don't worry about me, please... Let me get Dirk." He tried to get to buy John held him down. Before he couldn't try again you ran out the house to find Dirk.

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