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Be Dirk ====>

You all were being told to leave the camp. The news crew were saying the names of the victims who were killed. There were 3, Jake being one of them.
The cops were making everyone pack up to leave. You had just finished packing your car. Dave threw his stuff in the back.
"Dirk... He won't leave the water side..." Dave said referring to John, who was sitting down by the water side. He was looking out at the water, waiting.
"... Yo, John...? You need to leave, man... This story is going to attract every Hunter in the country." You said walking over to him. John just kept looking at the lake.
"He's out there still......." He said looking up at you a bit.
" .....and I can't drive, so..." He added looking back at the water.
Jake couldn't be alive after all that. There was no way he could possibly have enough power to get out. If he did come back, he would drown before he got to do anything.
"Get your things. I'll drive you." You said a bit bitterly. You really didn't want to, but John did save Dave's life.
"...I can't leave him...." John said not taking his eyes off of the water.
Dave came over " John, go get your shit. Now." Dave said a bit annoyed. John flinched but got up and walked to their cabin.

Be Dave ====>
You sat outside for about 30 minutes, waiting on John. The cops were starting to get annoyed, but when you told them that he was the cousin of Jake English, they let it pass. Dirk shoved you to the cabin, making you glare at him. You mumbled under your breath as you walked into the room. You see John with puffy red eyes and tears streaming down his cheeks. He quickly rubbed them off of his face.
"...I can drive your cousin's car to take you home and leave you there okay...?" You said walking over to him. You owed him this much at least -- he did save your life.
"Fine...." John mumbled before getting his bag. You sigh a bit leading him out to the car.
"Bro, ima take John home in his cousin's car, okay?" You told him, making him look at you with a bit of worry.
"Don't worry nothing'll happen. I'll get him home safely, okay?" You told Dirk, making his pause before slowly nodding his head. John had gotten Jake's things and put them in the back of the car before climbing into the back seat and curling up in a ball. You said by to your brother as he got in his car driving off. You got in the car seeing how clean it was.
"How and why is it so clean...?" You mumbled starting the car with the keys John left in the front seat for you.
"Jake likes it that way..." John mumbled as you drove off. It was getting late. The sun was setting.

Be Dirk ====>(sorry for the switching)
You were on the road as it got dark. It was silent because Dave took Jake's car to drive John home. Jake...
Jake was on your mind something was killing you about leaving. It felt like your brain was breaking. Your skin itched as you got farther away. It got so bad to where you slammed on the breaks to do a fast U-turn on the country road. The sun had completely set when you finally pulled up to the camp. All the police officers were gone for the night so you drove right in.
You jumped out your car, feeling the pull on your body get tighter as you walked to the water.
"What the fuck man?!" You growled looking out at the water.
In the moonlight, far away, you see something small floating in the water. Curiosity was going to kill you one day and today might be the day. You pushed one of the metal boats into the water jumping in. You row getting close to the object. The pull on your body kept getting tighter the closer you got. The object came in view to show Jake with pointed ears and small fangs coming out of his mouth a bit and a long demon tail. Jake was completely out cold, breathing slowly. His clothing was ripped to pieces
As he bobbed there.
"You son of a bitch." You mumbled leaning over best you can without tipping the boat. As you scooped him out of the water he starts to shake violently as if he was freezing.
"You're a fucking demon... You don't get cold... or tired... or sick... Any of it in fact." You said talking to yourself as you set Jake down in the boat so you could row back to shore. When you got there, you pull the boat onto land so you could get Jake out easier and almost instantly in Jake's unconscious sleep, he clung to you for warmth. You looked down at him to see how cold and undressed he was so you went to steal a blanket from the cabins wrapping him up. You made your way to your car to set Jake down wrapping him up fully just in time.
A gun was put to your head.
"What are you doing here, boy?" A man said, clocking the gun. You slowly put your hands up to turn around. The man wasn't in a uniform, so you grabbed the gun from his hands easily and aimed it at him.
"So... You're a Hunter too, huh?" The man said holding his arms up. You raise an eyebrow, still aiming at him.
"Heard about this place over the news. What's in the blanket...?" He said looking over your shoulder.
"A body." You said, blocking his view.
"Who?" He asked trying to look again.
"My fucking partner." You snarled at the man before you pushed him back making him look apologetic.
"Sorry... Been there myself... I know that pain. Do you know what's here, other than frog demons?" He asked making you shake your head no. You hand him his gun back before getting into the car. He watched you drive away.
When you were out of sight you looked back at Jake, who was still shivering. You turn on the heater to watch Jake cling to the blanket in his sleep, his lips a dark shade of blue.
"This is gonna be a loooong night." You mumbled before driving to Jake's home.

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