Chapter 16- Gone

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(This chapter is dedicated to the lovely Mykillybear enjoy😈)

3 months later...

Things have been going really good for Emma and Killian. They've been to their ultrasound for their little girl and couldn't be more happy. Sure there have been some disapproving glares and nervous feelings but all aside Killian and Emma were happy.

Emma's POV

When me and Killian squirmed into bed I felt pain. Pushing past the thought I tried to act like I was okay but I'm not.

I try to suppress the pain by clutching my side but no luck comes. I let out a exasperated sigh next to Killian.

I run my hands through my hair frustrated. I bend down to move my bodies painful position when I feel it blood.

It's all over the place I'm practically swimming in it. I let out a terrified shriek that sends Killian soaring up.

He turns on a light and puts his big soft hands on my face. "Love what's wrong?"

Not able to even utter the possibility I point to the puddle of blood now staining the white sheets.

He immediately jumps into action grabbing me the keys and running out the door in one swift movement.

On the way to the hospital we exchange a few glances but no words for the fear of what could be happening.

We finally arrive at the hospital practically bolting out of the car Killian runs me into the emergency room.

"Doctors anyone we need help!!" He screams looking for anyone that could help.

Eventually some nurses make their way to us and put me in a room.

They keep their conversation to a hushed tone but what I pick out next to a worried looking Killian is..

"Pregnant "

"To early "

"Prepare the surgery"

Every single word shatters me in a new way that I didn't even think was possible.

Killian looks on the verge of tears knowing this is the end of are precious Leia that did not get what she deserved.

Finally the doctor comes to talk to us. Killian listen throughly to the conversation but all I hear is.

"Emma I need you to push I'm sorry."

Only half here I slowly give a push and another and another until finally I hear the room grow to a silent eerie tone.

Then a sob. From Killian from me who knows.

"We'll take care of it."

Is the last thing I hear before they leave.

Killian bends down next to me caked in blood from our baby, Leia, our daughter.

He lets out a small whimper trying his best to hold it together but we both know that's not going to happen.

I'm still completely zoned out. Not knowing how or what to do to comfort my love I sit there emotionless.

I don't know how much time passes but I must have fell asleep because I awake to a tired Killian telling me we can leave.

We walk to the car side by side catching solemn looks from each Doctor we pass.

When we get there I sit not speaking a word. From the corner of my eye I see a frustrated Killian hit the steering wheel letting out a scream of anger and sadness in one.

For the first time since Leia was taken I look him dead in the eye.

His pupils dilated his facial expression almost aged.

And he looks at me with the most hatred and love I've ever seen swirled together in someone's eyes.

I finally talk but totally out of context.

"Those doctors called her a it." I say in barely audible whisper.

"I said something love don't worry" he says as his hands caress my greasy hair.

The rest of the drive home we sit in silence what should be filled with cries of our child but never will be.

When we pull into the apartment it's 10 pm. The last days have been hell.

We walk in and Captain looks at me and Killian with confusion and let's out small meow that's almost meant to say

'What happened were is she?'

Without a word Killian goes to our room clicking the door shut.

And I slide down on the floor and it hits me like a bullet the most painful bullet you could find.

'She's gone Leia is gone and I've failed her'

I scream and kick. Throw stuff but with each passing agonizing second my walls slide back up. Stronger than ever.


I scream my words probably heard by Killian but I didn't have the capability to care.

I cry and cry not knowing how to end or what this feeling was.

It wasn't heartbreak or anger or even hatred. This was something different something that I could never explain in words. But the feeling was unbearable.

I finally push my sorry ass off the floor around 4 am knowing if Killian wasn't asleep he was totally gone right now.

I walk to our room and see Killian asleep on the cold floor a picture of me in hand.

I smile and stroke his dale black hair. I see a small smile creep on his face but he's not fully awake.

I grab a small duffle bag and fill it with essentials. Clothes, toiletries etc. and walk out of our room.

'It will probably be the last time I ever see it.'

I take one last look at the place that has been known to me as home.

I stumble across a picture of me and Killian on a date that Mary probably took. Fragile tears run down my porcelain face. I stuff the picture in my bag and continue to the door.

I walk out the door uttering words that Killian will probably never hear but I wish so badly he would.

'I'm sorry'

AN: What ya think? Are u crying yet??
Next chapter will be set 3 years later lets see what happens 😏 hope you all enjoyed this chapter ily all so much
Don't forget to comment and vote!

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