Chapter 2- Good And Bad Ideas

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AN: Quick side note just to let you know most of the book will be from Emma's point of view enjoy :)

Emma's POV
I wake up and quickly head out. I have animal behavior with Mrs.Heath before Mr.Saul's class. I've tried to think of ways to get out of going but I know there's no avoiding it. I settle down into class consumed by thought when a girl with to say the least scandalous clothes pulls up a seat next to me.

"Hi I'm Ruby." She says in a bubbly tone. "Emma" I reply shyly. "Do you care if u sit here?" She asks "No not at all." I say because it's not exactly a bad idea to have at least one friend.

"So Emma I see that you're a shy one and I feel we should just get to the point I think we'd be good friends." I'm in shock for a second but try to reply. "I'd love to be friends." I smile. "Oh good so Emma I'm going to a party tonight you wanna come?" "I don't know.." "Oh come on it'll be fun!" She tries to persuade and I give in. "Ugh fine but I don't exactly have party attire." She taps her chin with her polished nails "I can handle that."

I get to Ruby's after a tiring day. Killian tried to talk to me all through class and I just dismissed him. I push it aside as I walk out of Ruby's bathroom in a small skirt and a shirt that busts out my boobs. She's wearing a similar outfit to me. "Ruby no." "Emma yes" she smiles wide. "Let me do your makeup and then we can head out." "Ruby I'm letting you talk me into some bad stuff." I laugh and she does to. "Oh come on it's Sunday tomorrow anyway so you won't have to go to class hungover." "I'm not getting hungover." "Will see about that." She smirks evilly as we walk out the door.

We walk into the party and it's crazy. It's being run by some guys Ruby said are extremely attractive. My mind is a buzz seeing all the people as I look around Ruby points "There are the guys!" I look over horrified when I see Killian is part of the guys. He catches my gaze and our eyes lock then his eyes slowly trickle down to my boobs. I shoot him a death glare then turn away. When I turn back to talk to Ruby she's gone. I sigh and head over to the beer.

I sit alone for a while until Ruby comes over wreaking of alcohol "So Em I met this guy you good to get home yourself?" "Uh yeah have fun." She smiles crookedly "I will" and with that she disappeared into the night. I sigh once more and take another swig of beer and after that many more.

Killian's POV

I'm about about to leave the party when I see a girl in the corner. I walk closer and see it's Emma and she looks drunk off her rocker. I walk over to her to help. "Hey Em you're drunk I'm gonna bring you home okay?" I say as soothing as possible. "I don't want to go home with a big meany." She crosses her arms and throws up. "Love your really drunk let me help you." I pick her up bridal style and carry her out. "Fine but only because I like you and my walls our up when I'm sober." Walls? I think as I put her in the car. "Killy I don't feel so good.." she pukes more. "Swan were almost home just hang in there."

We pull up to my apartment and I pick her up once more. I carry her up the stairs. "You know Killian for a player you'd think you'd be a little more sexy." She laughs at herself and I sigh she's right I am a player. "Hey love you want to know a secret?" She nods her head wearily and I continue. "I really like you love and you make me a better person." She leans in to kiss me but I pull away and she looks taken back. "Emma I can't take advantage of you not like this." She pouts "It's probably because you only like pretty girls with a real home that can give you a real life." I know it's the alcohol letting me in but I can't resist.

"Love where do you live?" "You big meany I live down on concord street where all those creepy buildings well yeah I live in them." "Emma you know you can always come here!" "I don't know I feel like you can't be trusted you're like a angry tiger always fighting to be someone you're not." Even though that made no sense I understand and she couldn't be more right. I gently put her on my bed and tuck her in. "Goodnight I'll be on the couch if you need me." "Night Killy" and with that she shuts her eyes.

Emma's POV

I wake up in a strange place. I'm in a soft bed and it's actually warm. I sit up quickly and feel my head pound and I lay back down fast. I'm in some really skanky clothes that I figure Ruby probably put me in for the party last night. Anything after that is really hazy. I see someone walk in. "It's about time you woke up here's an advil. Killian hands me that and a cup of water. "What the hell am I doing here?!" I say a bit too loud and wince in pain that it causes my head. "Oh Emma you don't remember you were drunk of your mind!" "Oh god" I think of all the things I could've said and I feel flushed with embarrassment. "I'm sorry if I said anything or if I caused trouble." "It's quite alright but you did say something did concern me a bit. You live on concord street which is no place for a lass such as yourself so I was wondering if you wanted to come live here?"

"Oh Killian I couldn't I don't even have the money to pay rent here." I murmured the last part. "Emma we can just each pay half." "I don't know.." I say still unsure. "Well love you tell me I'm just offering you real food and a warm home. I think for a moment and decide yes not for him but for me. "Fine I'll bring my stuff over today." I start to walk out and I turn around. "Thank you." I say softly and exit.

AN: Heyy guys! What you think of this chapter? Cs relationship is gonna be slow so you guys strap in for the ride ;) Don't forget to comment and vote. 5 votes and 1 comment for new chapter. Love you guys


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