Aurora Borealis

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"Jasper, that's, we've walked farther than I thought we had. We're at the Alaskan border," I squealed with delight. The lights meant we were almost there, so close.

"Lets GO!" I said, getting a bit too enthusiastic and bouncing in his grasp, he gently let my feet go to the snowy ground we had passed the worstof the snow long ago but I had been happy in his arms, close to his body, feeling the closeness we didn't yet have but that I hoped wouldn't be far away.

I hesitated but then desided to go ahead with my thought, I reached for his hand and took it. He didn't try to take his hand back but held mine tightly. His hand felt so big compaired to mine but it felt so right, like every piece of his skin slid into mine. From what I had seen so far it was as if I was genetically designed for Jasper, despite our personalies being a solar eclipse.

Then I saw it the ligth was glittering on the ground only ten miles ahead, it was like a giant mirror had been placed on the ground,

"I'm guessing that's ice," I commented, cocking my head to one side so I could look up at him.

He followed my gaze, his eyes focusing on the patch I was looking at. He smiled his soft sad smile and nodded,

"Well I guess you must be right, I've never seen it before so I wouldn't know."

"Lets go and see," I hinted and pulled lightly on his hand, I'd never seen real ice before I felt like a child at the north pole. It was like this was my first christmas experience and it wasn't far from christmas either. Today was the fourteenth of December, ten days till christmas.

It was also the first christmas that would be worth while, every year except last I had been alone, at last I was with the one I loved; the way christmas should be.

"It is ice, I can see it now. Lets go skating Jasper, Please," I smiled up at him, experimenting with battering my eyes at him. He laughed at my attempts,

"I would have agreed without the extras but I will admit you do look angelic when you do that," he chuckled. I coudn't help but glow from the compliment, his words meant more than any others I'd ever hear.

The ice, as we got closer, became clear as a large frozen lake, it was bigger than any of the skating rinks described in books or by Captain , when he had told me about his past life. It was the perfect setting for christmas and just to add to the mood I saw the weather was about to take a turn for the better, or worse if you were human.

"What is it?" Jasper enquired as I came out of the sudden vision,

"It's going to snow again," I grinned.

"Does this mean I'll have to carry you again?" I laughed,

"It might do, yes and hurry up the ice'll be melted before we get there," I tugged on Jasper's arm. I noticed the cheeky grin and saw what he was planning not soon enough to stop him. His hand wrapped around my waist and he pulled me up grapping me under my knees with his other hand as soon as he could. He took a moment to share his audacious smirk before breaking into a full speed run with me tight in his arms.

I leaned over his arm and watched the ground whiz by in less than a blur I giggled reclessly. Soon I wasn't the only person laughing, Jaspers deep voice interupted mine and surprisingly we fell into a laughing harmony. By the time we got to the edge of the lake Jasper was laughing so much at me that he could barely walk straight.

"What's so funny," I laughed jumping out of his arms and landing, like a cat, both feet on the ground.

"To be truthful, Alice I'm not very sure, you just have such a sweet child-like laugh," he shrugged, flopping onto the snow beside where I sat. I laughed at him then and settled down beside him on the snow.

A Life Worth Dying For: Book Two: Two's More Than Company - Alice and JasperWhere stories live. Discover now