.: Chapter 14 :.

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[Bret's P.O.V]

Few hours passed and the time to resuce Kaylee has begun. We told fans that we need to cancel some shows due to personal things but we'll make it up to them soon.

Right now I need to be focusing is not letting anything distracting me. We brought some weapons incase if it goes serious. I didn't plan to murder anyone but if I have too...I will..

Ven, Brandon, Tyler, Logan, Robby and I would handle the upstairs part of the warehouse while the rest would take the downstairs. If we need their help, we'll call them.

I was sitting in the back of the van and the trip will be a while. My eyes started to close and I fell asleep. I didn't want too but I'm so fucking tired.

Bret's dream:

The setting was at the warehouse where Matt took Kaylee. Tyler was punching guys in the face, Alex was backing him up. Logan and Robby were teaming up to finish the job. Ven had her crow bar and hits one of Matt's people giving him bruises.

I run and tried to open a locked door. I had a feeling that Kaylee was in the other side. I kicked the down down to brake the door. 

Once I got inside, I see Kaylee all hurt and bruised and bleeding. I ran to her side. "Kaylee?" "Mhm?" She mumbles. "Who's there?" Her voice was soft but I could sense the pain.

"It's Bret." I said and used my knife to cut the ropes on her arms and legs. Rope burns were shown on her pale skin. Her arms automatically wrapped around my neck as if she was embracing me.

"I missed you Bret.." She says giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Save me from this hell hole.." My heart was beating fast. "Don't worry that's why we're here."

Then we looked into eachother's eyes and we both lean in. My lips were about to touch her until-

"BRET! BRET! BRET BOY! We're here not wake up!" Ven screams in my ear to obviously make me deaf.

"We're here?" I asked. "Yep now get out of the van." Ven got out and I followed behind her.

We were standing outside of the warehouse. It looked big. The time was 10:13pm. Now time for Matt to get his ass kicked.

[Kaylee's P.O.V]

The ropes were hurting the skin of my arms and legs. Why did Matt had to tie me up too tight! 

My eyes couldn't stay open but at least I was near a window. Tomorrow Matt was forcing to go to New York with him and be his. Why didn't my friends find me yet? It's been days!

I don't want to go to New York with Matt. I pray that he die of some virus but it doesn't work.

I look out the window and see a black van parked out front. That's looks familiar? I couldn't remember why does it look familiar to me. It made my head hurt.

It's been five minutes and I hear alot of voices from the outside. What's going on out there? I wished I could check but I was in pain from the ropes. Then the doorknob was jiggling like someone was trying to get it open.

I wanted to scream but my voice was lost. Then the open was broken down and my eyes widen to how it was..

[Bret's P.O.V]

"Ven,Brandon,Tyler,Logan and Robby come upstairs with me to deal with those fuckers. Beat them up while I try to find Kaylee." I said and we all went upstairs as the others fight the ones downstairs.

As I figured, there was alot of them. "Who the hell are you guys?' Some guy asked us and Robby punched his nose breaking it.

We all started to fight as they fight back too. Ven kick jumped one guy and hit another one with her crow bar. "I will call this a victory when I beat the shit out of Matt!!" "You'll get your moment." Brandon told her as he punched one.

Once the guy collapse from pain, I ran to one of the room finding Kaylee. Each room I check she wasn't there. I made it to one door and it was locked. "This is where he put Kaylee." I tried to open it but failed.

Then the patience was killing me and I kicked the door down. A little gasp was made as I entered the room. "Bret? Is that you?" "Yeah it's me." I ran to her side and started cutting off the ropes.

"I thought I wasn't going to see you again." I cutted the ropes and she was finally free. Her arms went to me neck to hug me. She was covered in dried blood and blue-black bruises. "I was thinking the same.." I said.

"Is everyone here?" "Yep even Farewell My Love with Dahvie and Jayy." She nods and we stayed in silence.

Our lips were close and I lean in alittle. We were so close. She closes her eyes and i did the same. As our lips were about to touch..

"Are you enjoying each others company?" A voice said and we turned around. It was..




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