.: Chapter 11 :.

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[Kaylee's P.O.V]

"Is that a hickey on your neck?"

I stayed quiet knowing that Bret already knows. "Answer me Kaylee! Is that a hickey?!?" I nodded yes. "Yes it is Bret..." I whispered.

"Who gave it to you?" "M-M-M-" "Matt?" "Yeah.." Then Bret got closer to me. "How did he get here?" "he came with a hood on and found me backstage before you performed."

"What did he say to you?" "That's I'm still his and this isn't the only time I'm gonna see him." I whispered and Bret looked down.

"I don't know what to do Bret. I knew he was gonna find me. Now it's over..." I said. "No it's not over! He's not gonna get you Kaylee and I swear of it. Just be extra careful for now on okay?"

I nodded and Bret pulled me into a hug. "Bret you must be tired, let's go back to the bus. You need to sleep." "Okay." The both of us called it a night and went to the bunks.

The Next Day [Vendetta's P.O.V]

Tyler, Brandon, Bret, Kaylee and I were outside admiring my new motorcycle. My dad gave it to me for my birthday even though it's months away.

"She's a beauty." Tyler commented. "Thanks. Maybe we could have some fun during this tour." I said.

Since we have time before the show tonight, I was dying to ride it. Brandon and i were gonna ride after we had some Taco Bell since we were hungry.

The five of us walked to the nearest Taco Bell and ordered our food and got some for Alex and Jc since they stayed behind.

We've been there for a while, hanging around and pranking the employees until the manager kicked us out.

Bret and Kaylee went inside the venue to give the food to Alex and JC. Tyler was outside with Brandon and I.

"Gonna go for a ride?" "Yep. Brandon you drive." I said while putting on a helmet. Brandon did the same. "Don't take too long you crazy kids." Tyler said. "We won't dad." I stick my tongue out.

Brandon started the motorcycle and speed down the road. It was a great feeling being on a motorcycle. The wind in your face and see how fast you were going.

Brandon was driving a bit too fast. "Um babe slow down a bit." "Okay babe." he tried to put down the brakes but it didn't work.

"Brandon? We're not slowing down.." "I think the brakes are broken." "WHAT? WE NEED TO STO-" Before I could finish that sentence, everything went black.

Few Hours Later

Bright lights were hitting my face. Don't tell I'm in a damn hospital "Ven? Ven are you awake?" Kaylee's voice said and I opened my eyes.

"Where am I?" "Backstage. You and Brandon were in a motorcycle accident. Brandon is okay with a few injuries but you're alot worst since you flew out of the motorcycle when it crash."

I groaned in pain. "At least we're okay." "I guess your motorcycle was broken from the start." "no it wasn't Kaylee. My dad said it was never used and it was brand new."

Then Tyler walked in. "I know what happened. Someone took off the brakes and emptied most of the fuel from the gas tank." I tried to sit up but the pain hold me down.

"I'm gonna kill the bastard for messing with my motorcycle. Who the hell that person think he/she is." Then Kaylee had something to say.

"I think I know who might of done it. Matt. Remember when he would get revenge on you for beating him up long ago? I guess this is it." I think this through since I did beat up Matt for hurting Kaylee back in highschool.

"Now I'm gonna kill him.You said he's back since you told the whole hickey story which I will murder him for that. I say that should of been Bret giving you that hickey." Kaylee had a bit of pink in her cheeks

"We'll talk about that later Ven. Yeah i know for the fact that was Matt. Once you recover, I give you permisson to kill him." "Oh don't worry I will."

[Matt's P.O.V]

Daniel and I were close by to venue where those faggots were playing. Just need them to be busy so I could get Kaylee. "Got the stuff?" I asked Daniel and he nodded. "Yep. Just put it in any drink she has and she'll be knocked out in seconds." "Perfect."

I sneak in backstage cause security were so stupid. Everyone was so busy to notice me. Piece of cake. I go to a green room to where Kaylee usually hangs out. I check the fridge and see one of her waterbottles.

I put the special drug in and shaked it so the mixture didn't show. Once I finished, I put it back and hid in the room. I hear people coming.

"I'll be out in a minute!" Kaylee's voice was heard and she closed the door. She walks up to the fridge and pulls out the waterbottle. She takes a sit and starts drinking. She stops for a minute.

"Why does this water tastes so funny?" Within that, she collapse on the floor knocked out. I smirk and get out of my hiding place. "Hello babe. I missed you. Now let's get the fuck out of here."

I threw her over my shoulders since she wasn't heavy and walked out. This was too fucking easy. I walked where Daniel was. "Looks like you got her." "Yep now let's go before those faggots find out she's gone.

We rushed to his car and I put Kaylee in the back and quickly go to the passenger seat. Daniel speed out of the parking lot.



I wanted to say thanks to all the comments and votes! They brighten my day and thanks to @BloodSapphire for the idea!

Vote and Comment for Chapter 12~ <3


feelings are toying up my emotions // a bret von dehl lovestoryWhere stories live. Discover now