.: Chapter 12 :.

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[Vendetta's P.O.V]

Brandon helped me with my wounds since we couldn't find Kaylee any where. Which is strange cause she said she'll be back 20 minutes ago..

"Brandon have you seen Kaylee around?" "Not since 20-30 minutes ago." "Just asking." I stand up and went around. It was kinda of crowded backstage but I know my way around.

Kaylee was no where to be found and I got worried. "Maybe she's with Bret." Brandon said and we went to find Bret doing vocal exercises.

"BRETTY BRET BRET! Have you seen Kaylee?" "Nope why?" "Cause I haven't seen her and she was supposed to treat my cuts. We thought she was with you since you guys are...close.."

"Um she's not here and I saw her going to one of the green rooms." Then we stayed quiet and rushed to the green room Bret and Kaylee hanged out. Once we got there, the room was empty. Only a spilled water bottle on the carpet.

"This is very odd." I said. "Kaylee's things are here. Even her phone and she always carry it around with her." This is not good.

"I'll look around the room incase of anything." Brandon said and check the room out. Bret was just standing there. Then he looked up and called my attention.

"Ven come with me to the camera room. I think we might have some evidence." We both ran out and went pass security ignoring their shouting.

I sat in one of the chairs and rewind some of the tape from eariler today. Their was footage from us at that green room to where Alex, JC, and Tyler hanged out to when Brandon and I had our private moment. Oops...

We stopped to where Kaylee entered the room. We played it and it showed Kaylee grabbing the water bottle, drinking it and then  collasping to the floor. What the fuck? Then...Matt came out of no where and kidnapped her away.

Bret paused the tape and we were in shocked but fucking furious. "WAIT UNTIL I GET HIS BLOOD IN MY HANDS! IT WON'T BE PRETTY!"

[Bret's P.O.V]

I just can't believe it. The nerve on that guy. Drugging Kaylee and then kidnapping her?! What was his fucking deal! Ven was almost about to rage quit.

"I...I.." I was speechless. I don't know what to do. All I know that the girl of my dreams is gone thanks to her abusive of an ex and he won't leave her the fuck alone.

"We have to do something.." I said and Ven turned her head towards me. "But what? We don't know where they are! He could of taken her anywhere by now!"

"Looks like The Relapse Symphony might miss a few shows..I need to talk it over with the guys now! Get them over to the green room for a emergeny meeting." Ven nodded her head and dashed out of the room.

Silence was taking over the room. It's not fair. I'm trying my best not to cry but I couldn't help it. Kaylee is gone and I have no idea where she is. I failed to protect her from Matt.

I walked out of the room and slowly make it to the green room. I'm determined to make sure we'll find Kaylee and Ven beat the crap out of Matt!

[Kaylee's P.O.V]

My eyes was covered by a blindfold while my mouth was gagged. I was on Matt's shoulders since I feel my legs dangling in the air. I could hear them talking. "How are you gonna keep her from those freaks?" "It's simple really. Just don't let her escape and near a phone."

I was scared. Will I ever talk to Ven and Bret again? Will I ever see them again? I hope so very soon. Matt came in a complete stop, opened a door and walked in a room. He closed the door and threw me into a chair.

I tried to move but he tied me up againest the chair from making me move. He removed my blindfold and I saw the face of the devil. Matt.

"Hey babe? Missed me?" He smirked while I gave him a death glare. "Aww babe you're hurting me feelings. You know I missed you very much." He removed my gag. "Oh you missed me so much that you had to kidnap me?! You know this is illegal right?"

"Yeah but no ones gonna find out that you're gone sweet heart. I told you that you're mine and I proved it to you. I'm gonna keep you here for now until I can get a ride back to NY and guess what you're coming with me and looks like you have no choice." He smirked and my eyes widen.

"You can't do that!" "Oh yes I can cause no one's gonna stop me. I'm off to bed and I'll see you around babe." He kisses me forcefully and lefted with a smirk on his damn face.

Tears were coming down to my cheeks. I wish I could find of a way to escape but his friends were like guards. 

I look at the window and see the full moon shining down. "Oh Bret please find me soon. I know you will. I need you to be my saviour..." I whispered and cried myself to sleep.


Le gasp! Short chapter but is it worth it? Let me know! :3

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feelings are toying up my emotions // a bret von dehl lovestoryWhere stories live. Discover now