Chapter Twenty Two

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Now that a routine had settled in, Emil could finally feel that unfamiliar glow of happiness settling in as the summer went on. It was strange at first to be talking to your best friend/boyfriend's siblings as if they were also friends, but then it started to seem less and less unusual. Soon they could almost be labelled as 'friends' instead of best-friend-slash-boyfriend's siblings.

There was one calm afternoon where Emil was sitting at his desk, leaning back in his chair, carefree and with the tiniest little curve at the end of one lip. He flipped through his school planner to the next week to see what was due. Everything was fine until he saw two things written in that would possibly lead to a freak out. On July 1 it was Leon's birthday and also on July 1, it was the music performance assessment. Unfortunately the sheer shock of it all was enough for Emil to fall a little too forward and a little too sideways out of his chair and onto the floor with a nice loud thump.

"Em, you alright in there?" Lukas' voice called out from the lounge area.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Emil winced, rubbing his knee and scrambling back up onto his chair.

"Okay, well whatever you're doing in there, take it easy," he warned.

"Alright, alright, I'll lay off the gymnastics," Emil shot back jokingly. There was a small breath of laughter that could be heard from Lukas' side of the house.

"Why not figure skating?" The mere mention of figure skating was enough to trigger a mental tick in Emil and he ran out to the lounge room.

"I swear to god, if you mention figure skating one more time I'll strangle you and shove a brick down your throat," Emil threatened, his fists balled and figurative steam ready to come out of his ears.

"What? You were good at figure skating," Lukas whined, seeming relatively unphased by the threat of being strangled and a brick shoved down his throat.

"I don't care, I hated it. And I only did it because mum asked me to be your partner, you flamboyant little nerd child," he growled.

"Did you just call me a flamboyant little nerd child?" Lukas asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I think I did," Emil said, biting his lip and furrowing his brows.

"Speak for yourself," Lukas scoffed.

"What? Are you saying that I'm also a flamboyant little nerd child?" Emil questioned.

"Oh come on, you're into photography, weird fashion, you play the guitar, piano and violin, you listen to alternative music, you know how to knit and you used to write poetry when you were little," he listed off, pretty proud of the fact that he could easily list off a bunch of Emil's unusual qualities.

"That's not called being flamboyant, it's called being a hipster, which you kind of are too, but in a really weird way," Emil retorted, already getting tired of what on earth this argument is about.

"Okay then, we can both be flamboyant little nerd children who are also hipsters," Lukas agreed, sighing and getting himself comfortable on the couch.

"What does Matthias see in you?"

"A lot of things, I'm a freaking queen," Lukas dismissed with the wave of his hand returning to his book and pulling out the pencil that was resting behind his ear.

"And there you have it, flamboyance," Emil sighed, gesturing to Lukas with both hands. "Whatever, I'm going to go do homework," he announced, retreating straight back to his room. Sometimes Lukas really annoyed him, but in this sort of weird and almost funny way unlike how a normal sibling would. It was probably because he was older now and didn't lock himself in his room for hours on end like he did when he was younger.

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