Chapter Eight

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Emil stood there, bright red, panicking, pushed up against the wall and breathing uneasily. He trailed his gaze up to Leon, quivering and having no idea about what was happening. Was Leon going to hit him or something?

"W-what are you doing?" Emil stuttered, pushing himself further into the wall to try and distance himself from Leon. "Please don't hit me." He brought his hands up to protect his face, becoming smaller and smaller.

"Why would I hit you?" Leon questioned, his expression dropped and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Because that's usually what happens when someone pins me up against a wall," Emil explained, his voice wobbling like jelly. Leon's hands dropped to his side and he hung his head low in a look of shame.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't going to hit you. I didn't mean to scare you like that..." Leon trailed off, but he hadn't moved backward at all so he was still only centimetres away from Emil.

"Just get the drumsticks will you," Emil ordered, sliding out from between the wall and Leon very irritably. He marched over to his guitar, snatched it up and sat himself in the far corner of the room. At that moment, Leon wished that he could just die. He couldn't help it. Emil was just so... Ugh. He got the drumsticks and sat down at the drum kit. Were drumsticks sharp enough to stab with? Because if they were, Leon would have stabbed himself.

The room went silent. But this silence wasn't comfortable like all of the other ones. It was as uncomfortable as sitting on broken glass. God Leon was such a teenage boy, but for some reason, it didn't seem that Emil actually knew what Leon was doing. He was probably one of those sexually repressed teens, especially seeming that he didn't have any friends.

"I'm really sorry. I don't know what got into me," Leon mumbled. He knew perfectly well what had gotten into him, but he would probably jump off a cliff before admitting it.

"Just as long as you don't hit me, it's fine," Emil muttered innocently, slowly sliding his fingers over each of the individual strings of the guitar. He still felt incredibly flustered about what had just happened. Honestly, he didn't know why Leon refused to look at him.

"Can we just pretend that never happened?" Leon requested, sliding a stick over the cymbal absent-mindedly.

"Pretend what never happened?"

"Exactly," Leon said forcefully. Emil didn't have any idea what he was talking about, but he decided not to inquire further. After a while of agonising silence, Leon finally spoke up, still not looking from the ground. "So... Do you wanna pick a song?"

"No, you should. Just pick something you can play. Just... Preferably acoustic," Emil said, his voice even smaller than usual.

"Like anything acoustic?" Leon asked, perking up a little.

"Anything acoustic I should be able to play if it's not too hard," Emil explained, sliding a little closer to Leon so he wasn't a thousand miles away.

"Uh," Leon stalled, wracking his brain for an acoustic song he really liked. Not a lot of the songs he liked were acoustic, so he just said the first thing that came to mind. "Well, there's this song I kind of like."


"Don't make fun of me, but it's called You Exist in My Song by Qu Wanting," Leon admitted.

"Never heard of it."

"I wouldn't have expected you to."


"It's Chinese."

"Okay. Well can you sing?"

"Um," Leon hesitated. "A little bit. I don't think I'd be able to sing that song though..."

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