Chapter Fourteen

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Facebook wasn't too hard for Emil to set up. He saw that Lukas already had Facebook account, but it was plain as all hell. He and Lukas seemed to share common values about privacy and sharing things with the world outside.

After a while of fiddling about with all of the settings and seeing what all of the buttons did, Emil searched up Leon Wang and hit enter. The page came up with a list of various Leon Wangs with Facebook, so he scrolled down carefully looking at all of the profile pictures, scanning for one with Leon in it. He soon found a picture that seemed to have Leon and two other boys in it. He clicked and was taken to the profile.

It was definitely Leon, it was him in the picture and the background photo was a picture of him and his sister – Mei was it? – under a cherry blossom tree, with Yong Soo in the background photo bombing. Before sending a friend request, Emil decided to take the liberty of touring the profile.

Leon had four hundred and eighty four friends and was already friends with some people from school. He had a lot of photos and a ton of status updates that ranged from philosophical to stupid... Well, those were the ones that he could read. Most of it was all written in Chinese. He seemed to have plenty of friends and always seemed to be happy. He also seemed to have had a lot of girlfriends and some boyfriends. Every time Emil scrolled down there seemed to be a new girl he was taking cute photos with. He seemed to be a really happy person with lots of friends, basically the exact opposite of what Emil was.

After about an hour or more of sightseeing, Emil finally worked up the courage to send a friend request. After fifteen seconds of impatient waiting, he turned away and started working on some homework. No use having Leon thinking that he was an idiot who didn't do any work at all. Five painful minutes of working had passed when Emil's computer dinged and notified him that Leon had accepted his friend request. Five seconds later another notification popped up telling Emil that he had a message from Leon. Upon opening it, he saw that it was written in Chinese.

Leon: 噢, 我的喜神, 我看你有 Facebook 的!

Emil: uhhh... Which means?

Leon: sorry, forgot that I'm supposed to speak English. I said "oh my god hi, I see you got Facebook".

Emil: it's okay. Sometimes I forget that I'm supposed to speak English too.

Leon: lol, you loner. Only one friend.

Emil: I just got Facebook, no need to be so mean.

Leon: I'm just joking around. Don't bother accepting friend requests from my friends back home, they're all crazy and want you for your hair.

Emil: well I'm not going to accept friend requests from strangers. I was raised on stranger danger. What's up with my hair?

Leon: everyone would love your hair. It's white, and it's like that naturally. You don't get stuff like that back at home, everyone loves it.

Emil: oh okay. I get it now. No wonder why Yong Soo was all over me and the white haired German guy.

Leon: Yep. Look... I'm sorry about this afternoon. I hope I didn't scare you or anything. I tend to do these sort of stupid things after break ups.

Emil: oh. That's okay, I know that break ups can be kind of terrible.

Leon: tell me about it. Honestly, all I feel like I do is screw up relationships.

Emil: I've never had any relationships to screw up to begin with...

Leon: Aww, you precious little thing. Never had a girlfriend?

Emil: no. But there was this one girl in kindergarten who I kept drawing crappy pictures for because apparently I liked her.

Leon: that doesn't count. Boyfriend?

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