Chapter Nine

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When Emil arrived home that night, it was a very different story. Lukas wasn't home yet, his precious laptop wasn't on his desk or in any of the other usual places, so Emil assumed that he was at the library studying because he ran the wifi out, again. If he could have a thousand krona for every time Lukas ran the wifi out, he'd be rich.

He sat down at his desk in his room, setting out all of of his books and stationary. Instead of doing his work, he found himself admiring the light indented scratches on the pale surface. When he moved his head to different positions and angles, he could see new scratches and the other ones disappeared. All of those scratches from all of those years of use. Even though it was associated with unending hours of homework, it was still a really good desk with characteristic scratches. The years of wear seemed to give it a warm and loved sort of look.

It somehow reminded him of a saying that someone once said. Something along the lines of the most beautiful people are the battered and scratched ones – you love them because they've shape the way they are.

His pen hovered over the slightly creased paper for a while, circling the air aimlessly in an attempt to form a word. But the pen didn't touch the paper at all. Writing was at the very back of Emil's mind right now; his current thoughts were clouding around him like an unforgiving fog, smearing everything relevant into unrecognisable jibber jabber.

The only thing that was clear and made sense was the moment where Leon had him pinned up against the wall. What did all of that mean? It was different to when people did it in an aggressive manner – the way Leon did it was just... Mysterious. He couldn't think of a reason as to why a person would do that. No answers came to his head, so he whipped out his phone and punched 'what does it mean when someone pins you up against a wall?' in and started reading around.

Basically every page had teenage girls asking about guy friends pinning them up against walls in a non-violent manner. The majority of the answers were things such as the guy being interested in them, wanting to kiss, wanting to have sex, wanting to be intimate, wanting to start a relationship. They were all about teenage boys and pinning teenage girls against the wall, there wasn't anything about teenage guys pinning other guys against walls in a non-violent manner.


Unless Leon was gay or something...



He could always ask?

No, that would be awkward. And it would probably offend him if he wasn't. Emil had nothing against being gay, his brother was gay and had a boyfriend for gods sake.

It's not like he could just wait around for Leon to spill of something, that's unproductive.

Why was this such a big deal?!

Big deal because Leon actually meant a lot to him. Big deal because it couldn't just be ignored. Big deal because nothing made sense. Big deal because Emil would probably have to ask questions. Big deal because what if Leon liked him? Even bigger deal because what if Leon didn't like him–

Wait. What?

What. If. Leon. Didn't. Like. Him? Does that mean that he already liked Leon?

"Stop it, stop it, stop it!" Emil hissed to himself. "He probably doesn't even like you," he tried to convince himself. He turned back to his homework and started scribbling down something pointless. After finishing a shallow paragraph on cell compartmentalisation and spelling the word compartmentalisation wrong about eight times, he threw his pen across the room and stormed out to the kitchen.

"He's not gay. He's as straight as a ruler," Emil tried to convince himself, irritatedly ripping open a packet of liquorice and stuffing a ton into his mouth. Honestly, at this time, Emil had never been so confused and frustrated in his life. Instead of doing his homework, he decided to go through his old photos that he had from his photography blog that he had abandoned last year. He had to admit, he was one of those dorky-hipster teens that carried a camera around everywhere he went, but was never in any photos. He loved photography, just not being in it.

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