Chapter Sixteen

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Emil and Leon toddled off to the bedroom after saying good night to everyone in the family, which did take an unexpected amount of time and energy to do considering that there were so many people scattered around the house. Leon flicked on the light to the room, illuminating the space in a slightly yellowish tone that basically all bedroom lights gave.

The room was small, but big enough to fit two single beds inside. There was a clear divide in the room. One wall was completely covered in a collage of posters, photos and drawings of K-Pop artists, video game characters – particularly Pokemon, and anime characters, obviously Yong Soo's side of the bedroom. Leon's side had a window where little ornaments sat lines up on the window sill. There were a few photos here and there, but it was very toned down compared to Yong Soo's side of the room. On the wall opposite the door, there was a bookshelf where one half was completely jam packed full of manga and collector card albums, where the other side was neatly arranged into popular young adult novels, other assorted books and a much more organised section of manga.

"You're taking Yong Soo's bed tonight. He's sleeping in Kiku's room on the spare bed," Leon explained, taking his pyjamas out from underneath his pillow and gesturing Emil further inside.

"Oh, no, he didn't have to do that," Emil muttered apologetically, looking down at the ground.

"Hey, don't worry, he likes it," Leon smiled. "Sheets are clean so you don't have to worry about catching idiot disease." Emil make a small huff of laugher and wandered further in, grabbing his bag from the floor and putting it on the end of Yong Soo's bed. He unzipped it and pulled out his pyjamas.

"Why does he like it so much in Kiku's room?" Emil asked curiously, checking behind himself before pulling off his shirt. Leon did the same, facing his back to Emil.

"Because he gets to see what Kiku is working on," Leon bantered with an intensely suggestive smirk. Emil felt himself choke slightly on his own saliva and felt a cold rush go down his body, finally understanding what Leon was poking at. "Tired?" Leon asked, turning around to meet Emil's gaze.

"Not really," Emil half lied. He was always tired but not deathly tired right now. Leon gave a nod and shuffled down the hall to the bathroom, closely followed by Emil with his little pouch of necessities. Leon stopped abruptly in front of the bathroom door and hesitantly knocked.

"Mei, please tell me it's not you in there," he whined.

"I have claimed the bathroom as my territory, deal with it bitch," Mei's voice gloated from the other side of the door. Leon smacked his head on the door defeatedly and acted as if he had been shot.

"How long are we going to have to wait?"

"I don't know, I'm halfway done," Mei replied. Leon groaned unnecessarily loudly.

"Every damn time," he muttered harshly. "Come on, we'll use the kitchen sink," Leon suggested plainly, leading Emil to the kitchen by the forearm.

"No, it's okay. I can wait," Emil stuttered politely.

"You won't be able to, she's going to be in there for hours. Why can't she just be more like Lien – who actually, by the way, takes less time in the bathroom than me," Leon pointed out as he opened a cupboard and rummaged through it until he got to the back where three other tooth brushes were sitting in a cup.

"Looks like you're prepared for the apocalypse," Emil remarked quietly.

"Lien, Tai and I all figured that this was a good back up plan a couple of days ago." The two teens started brushing their teeth in the semi lit kitchen. There was a peaceful silence where only the brushing of teeth could be heard and the quiet hum of the other occupants of the house. Once the two had finished what seemed like a competition of who could brush their teeth the best, Emil hesitantly turned to Leon.

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