Chapter Fifteen

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Saturday rolled around like a tortoise; agonisingly slow. Leon hardly slept and all of his friends were eight hours ahead and most likely sleeping – some of his friends were like him and would be staying up into the early hours of the morning chatting to each other or watching TV shows.

Yao and Arthur were both home for the weekend, quite exhausted from a week of working up where the volcanoes where. Yao ordered everyone around to clean the house. Leon had to admit, he was a little messy, but no where near as bad as Mei, Yong Soo and Tai,they were the messiest in the household.

A little after lunch time, Leon received a text from Emil saying that he was on his way. Five seconds after he read the text and replied, he assembled his siblings to lecture them about not being overbearing and over the top and to just act like they normally do, but in a much more toned down manner.

When the doorbell rang, Leon accidentally screamed before running and carefully opening the door, attempting to look like he wasn't freaking out at all and was totally in control of everything. Behind the door was Emil standing inwardly with his bag in his hand and a mixture between innocence and worry in his eyes.

"Hæ," Emil mumbled quietly putting up a hand as if to wave.

"Hey!" Leon cheered. "Get in here," he said, practically dragging Emil inside. "I'll show you the house."

It didn't take long for Leon to drag Emil through the house to introduce him to everyone.

"So you've actually met Lien, Yong Soo and Ping at school. So this is Mei," Leon introduced, pointing in the direction of the girl with long brown hair who was sitting at the coffee table. Emil had seen her a few times before, but this time she was wearing black thick framed square glasses – probably just used for when she was reading or sketching.

"Hi there Emil, I've heard so much about you. Honestly, Li Xiao won't shut up about y–"

"Shhh!" Leon cut Mei off. "Mei works as a fashion designer in Hong Kong. She wanted to come here for inspiration."

"And inspired I am, Emil, your taste in fashion is absolutely stunning," Mei exclaimed clutching her sketch book in one hand and waving her other around.

"Oh. Um. Thanks," Emil stuttered with a stressed smile.

"Moving on!" Leon declared, dragging Emil further through the house. "So this is Tai, zoologist. Say hi."

"Hi," Emil greeted shyly.

"Hey!" Tai called out from behind his book, giving a content wave. Tai had wild brown hair, quite similar to what Matthias' hair looked like in the picture Emil had once seen. Lastly, Leon dragged Emil to a bedroom with a locked door and knocked.

"Kiku, turn the screen off, we're coming in," Leon warned, waiting ten seconds before opening the door.

"Kiku, Emil. Emil, Kiku. Kiku is an artist of... Sorts..." Leon attempted to explain.

"Kon'nichiwa, Emil," Kiku said with a bow. Emil hesitated but said hi with a small bow out of respect. Kiku was a portrait of an introvert and very formal with his neat black hair and dull brown eyes.

"Moving on!" Leon declared, dragging Emil further down the hall.

"Hey Leon..." Emil began uneasily.


"What's with having the door closed?" He asked curiously.

"Well... Kiku works mostly in Japan as a yaoi manga artist," Leon explained gently, slightly tensing up as he made his way past the lounge room.

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