Chapter Thirty

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Tw: depictions of vomiting, if this makes you uncomfortable skip the paragraph where 🤢 is indicated

Emil almost expected it to be awkward after he woke up. Maybe it was because he was an awkward shell of a human being with bare minimum social grace. But he woke in the morning tangled up in Leon's limbs, covered in sweat and absolutely roasting under the covers, smothered by another body.

It was Saturday morning, probably nearing noon as there was sunlight streaming through the gap in Emil's curtains. They had probably slept in so late because they were up late watching anime and... fooling around. He yawned and ruffled Leon's hair, trying to wake him up. Leon groaned and buried his head in the pillow.

"No. Not getting up. Too nice and warm," he said, voice almost an octave deeper than usual. He squirmed, trying to get comfortable again.

"Come on, we have to get up and eat and be productive," Emil rebutted sleepily.

"I gave up on being a productive member of society years ago."

Emil kicked him lightly. "You went from being the person who gets me out of bed in the morning to the person who's gonna make me stay in bed all day again." Leon paused and looked up at Emil with wide but sweet eyes.

"That's so sweet. The first part I mean," he said, awkwardly. He sighed heavily and reluctantly slid out of bed, shivering in the cool air. "Give me every single jumper you own, I'm freezing." With a chuckle and mandatory eye roll, Emil slid out of bed and fished a jumper out of his drawer to throw at Leon. "You'll never get this back," Leon cackles.

"It's too big for me anyway. My mum hated it when I wore it," Emil mused. The temperature in the room dropped suddenly.

"Damn," Leon replied sadly, rubbing the fabric of the sleeve between his fingers. "I shall treasure it forever." He smiled sweetly, slipping the jumper on and hugging his arms close to his body. It was getting colder and colder with every day and with the approach of winter came the reminder that Leon was approaching the end of the six months he and his family were staying in Iceland. Emil groaned, shifting around in his pyjama shorts awkwardly.

"I feel gross," he stated quietly. "I'm going to go shower." Leon had to physically restrain himself from saying 'I'll come too' in the smuggest tone he was capable of. Instead he willed himself to avoid going straight back to bed and sleeping for just a little longer while Emil was showering and shuffled out to the little kitchen.

Neither Matthias nor Lukas were in the kitchen, which was a welcome sight for Leon. Lukas was generally quite awkward – painfully so sometimes – and Matthias seemed to have an incessant need to fill the silence. The two were quite perfect for each other in some ways, but honestly Leon had no idea what sort of boundaries their relationship had. Leon approached the kitchen counter to find a short note scribbled on a piece of paper.

Gone out for a day trip,

See you tonight.


Leon couldn't help but snort a little at the last line. 'BEHAVE' seemed like such an empty threat because: a) Emil was a well-mannered and responsible child and b) unstoppable force (i.e. a threat) meet immovable object (i.e. horny teenage antics).

He set himself up with a cup of tea and debated making breakfast or just waiting until lunch, since they had woken up so late. Only after a minute had passed his stomach growled and Leon decided that maybe a bowl of cereal wouldn't hurt. And then maybe a slice of toast would be nice. And maybe a banana would help fill his empty stomach. He was considering digging around the fridge for leftovers halfway through a bite of his second slice toast when Emil pottered into the kitchen, hair half wet and in a frizzy mess.

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