Chapter Six

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Emil stared at the phone screen for what seemed like an eon. Instead of a friendly message, it seemed like a death sentence to Emil. Why had Leon texted him? How in the hell had he gotten his number? He decided that he wanted his questions answered, so he hesitantly typed up a reply. His finger hovered over the send button and he finally closed his eyes and pressed it.

Emil: how on earth did you get my phone number?!

There was a long silence that felt as empty as an abandoned graveyard. It felt like time slowed down just to taunt him, causing him to begin to regret his reply to Leon's text. Ok, he really began to regret it. He didn't mean to seem mean, after all, Leon actually didn't really deserve to be treated that way. Emil was just being difficult and timid. A small buzz came from Emil's phone and he jumped up to look at it, simultaneously excited and terrified about what he would find.

Leon: sorry, I kinda stole your phone in English class and put my number in AND I kinda stole your number as well...

Emil could practically see Leon's sheepish smile as he read the text. He couldn't help but feel a little freaked out as to how Leon had managed to steal his phone, guess the password, find his number, make his own contact and return the phone all without being spotted. So he decided to message back.

Emil: how on earth did you get my phone anyway?

The reply came quickly, compared to Emil's slow ones. He didn't use his phone much, so his typing skills were probably way below average. Leon's replies seemed very quick, like he was a well seasoned expert typist when it came to phones.

Leon: that's why you should always keep your pockets zipped up.

Emil wanted to throw his phone halfway across the room. He was sure Leon thought he was pretty stupid by now. But why was he getting so worked up about this? Without thinking, Emil sent back a reply.

Emil: what are you, a professional pick pocket or something?

Leon: well I do pride myself on being able to steal the entire contents from other people's pencil cases without them noticing.

Emil couldn't help but smile, knowing how smug Leon was being. It was a heart warming smile, which was something he hadn't felt in a really long time.

Emil: well congratulations, you stole my phone AND got the password. How?

Leon: I have my ways... Anywho, how's your afternoon been?

Emil: anywho? Is that a typo?

Leon: no. It's just a thing I picked up in England. It's basically a fun way to say anyway or anyhow.

Emil: oh. Ok. Well, it's been fine thank you. I haven't really done much since I last saw you.

Leon: what are you doing right now?

This question puzzled Emil. It was so simple, yet it felt so complicated. There must have been a double meaning to it that he just didn't get. So he answered honestly.

Emil: lying on my bed, not doing homework, waiting for Lukas to come home and talking to you. What are you doing right now?

Leon: sitting at my desk, trawling through humanities homework, switching to maths homework, wishing I could do my art homework instead, about to throw a bloody book at Yong Soo if he doesn't put head phones on.

Emil let out a small laugh as he read over the last part of the text. He did have a sibling, but it was only one and the only thing that got annoying was how Lukas would father him and that he was actually really quiet.

Emil: sounds chaotic.

Leon: 'Tis. Oh, and I'm also talking to you of course. I don't have Internet yet. I'm going insane without it, you're the only thing keeping me sane right now.

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