Epilogue III

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Michael's POV

*six years later*

"Daddy!" Cat yells coming into my room. She's as tall as I am now and she's only fifteen. Her eyes are still as vibrant blue as they ever were. Her hair although once was blonde is now a dark purple. Her stayed that same blonde it was when she was little, but people often insulted her calling her a dumb blonde so I gave her permission to dye it. She's a lot like me in a lot of ways. She loves to sing and play the guitar and she has a mind almost as dirty as mine. Spencer says that's my fault. Oops. Her dimples are still prominent when she smiles which she is not right now. Right now she's frowning.

"Kitten!" I yell in the same tone.

"Cody broke my phone." She complains showing me the cracked phone screen.

"I did not." my five year old son complains, running in. He looks like me, except with dimples. Or so Spence says. His hair is dirty blonde and falls in his face, but Spence refuses to cut it. His eyes are green and I think he got them from Spence, but both of us have green eyes so who knows.

"Then who threw it on the floor?" she asks.

"I don't know. Frankie?" Frankie is my three year old son. He has brown hair like Spence and and brown eyes. Neither of us know where he got those.

"I had it sitting on my dresser, Frankie can't reach that high, idiot." Cat snaps.

"I am not a idiot."

"Are too."

"No way."

"Yes way."

"No way."

"Yes way."

"No way."

"Yes way."

"GERARD WAY!" I yell in Cat's ear. Cody giggles and Cat glares at me.

"Daddy do something." She whines.

"Do what? I have no proof of who threw it on the floor." She groans and stomps out. Spencer walks in.

"What's her problem?"

"Her phone got broken."

"Again?" Spence sighs. Then she kicks Cody out and starts changing for dinner. We're meeting the entire gang for dinner. I groan and give up on the tie I was working with. I throw it on the bed. I step out into the hall and yell, "Kids! We need to leave in ten minutes!" In response I hear, yes daddy, and what? I laugh and walk back into our bedroom. Spencer is standing in front of the mirror looking at her latest baby bump. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her. I rest my chin on her head. She looks up and I look down. She presses her lips to mine.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you too."

*in the middle of the meal*

I look around the table at Luke's family of four, Ashton's family of five, Calum's family of four and my family of five and smile. How did I get this lucky? I have great friends, a wonderful family and I'm married to the love of my life. Life can't get much better than this.

Spencer's POV+are you attached yet?+

I am honestly surprised at how well dinner is going. The kids are staying calm and not fighting and I don't feel sick. Suddenly I feel something wet running down my leg. My eyes go wide. I start jabbing Michael in the arm.

"Are you ok?" He asks me.

"My water broke." His eyes go wide. He stands and pulls me with him.

"I'm sorry, but we have to go. Her water broke. Ash can you look after the kids?" Ash nods. And then we run from the restaurant. We race to the hospital and rush in. I'm starting to feel contractions, but they're still pretty far apart. We finally make it to the hospital. Michael helps me get out and walk in. We walk up to the desk.


"My wife is in labor." The nurse gets me a wheelchair and helps me sit down. Then I'm wheeled down the hall.

Six hours later

We just welcomed Cassandra Hope Clifford into the family. She is 8lbs 7oz and 20 inches long. She's perfect. She's our little princess. Ash is bringing the kids to meet her. I have been settled in the maternity ward and now I'm just laying in bed resting while Michael holds the baby. There's a knock on the door. Michael gets up and answers it. Ash and the kids come in. Cody and Cat go over to see the baby, but Frankie comes to see me. he climbs up on the bed next to me with help from Ash. Cat comes and stands next to me.

"She's so cute." Cat gushes.

"Isn't she?" Michael comes and hands me the baby. They all visit for a half an hour and then Ash takes the kids and leaves. Michael puts Cassie in her bassinet and then lays down on the couch. Soon I hear his snores. Not long after that I fall asleep.

In two days I will update the last epilogue! I'm sad. I need a hug. But I have already decided what story I'm going to start writing next so woo-hoo. Thanks to everyone who's stuck with through the end of the book. I love you guys! Comment and vote! Thanks!


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