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I wake to tiny fingers poking my stomach. I open one eye.


"Penpin on fwoor." I roll over and reach over the side of the bed. I grab the penguin and as I roll back over I see the time. 3:00 am.

"Why don't you go back to sleep?"

"Otay." I pull her back against chest, pull the blankets over us and listen as her breathing becomes slow and steady as she falls back asleep. I how ever can't go back to sleep. I lay there reflecting on life. Thinking about Christmas, how I'm gonna tell mum that I have a daughter, what it'll be like taking Cathrine on a plane. A lot of things are running through my head right now, including the fact that I really need to go to the bathroom. I slowly move Cathrine off my chest and as quietly as possible I go to the bathroom. When I finish I go to the kitchen. I make some coffee and grab my phone. I check Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. When I finish that I check the time. 3:43. Ugh. I grab a book of the shelf. We don't have many books and most of the ones we do have belong to Ashton. The book I grabbed is called The Fifth Wave. Apparently it's about a alien invasion.(an:it's a really fun story)

+at 7+
It's 7. I'm almost done with the book and my second cup of coffee.

"Wuke?" I hear Cathrine ask.


"I wake up now?"

"Yeah. Sure. You want some juice and breakfast?"

"Yeah." She climbs onto a chair. I'm just gonna scramble some eggs. When I finish I put a plate of eggs in front of her. It's silent except for her small chewing noises. I put my elbow on the table and rest my chin in my hand. My eyes start to close then my elbow is knocked off the table and my face comes in contact with the wooden tabletop. I peel my face of the table and glare at the person who hit my elbow. Calum.

"What's up with you? You're usually a morning person." He points out.

"I'm tired." I snap.

"Ooh. Someone's grumpy."

"Meh. I'm to tired for this." I get up to put my mug in the sink.

"I'm gonna go get a shower." I slowly walk towards the bathroom. Most of my shower is spent just standing there trying not fall asleep. When I get out I wrap a towel around my waist and make way to my room. I don't think we're doing anything today so I'm just gonna put on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. Back in the living room Calum is using his phone, Cathrine is playing with her penguin and Ashton is drinking a cup of tea. Michael isn't out of bed. What a shock.

"Morning Luke." Ashton greets.

"Uh." Is my only reply.

"What's up with you?"

"Been up since three." I sit down on the couch. Cathrine comes and crawls up next to me.

"Hi." She says.


"Wanna hold Penney?" She asks holding up her faded black penguin.

"Sure." She sets the toy in my lap and gets off the couch to get the other one. Once she has it she gets back up on the couch.

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