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Today is November 29. Also known as they day of our flight to L. A. The flight leaves at five. So we have to be up by four. I've been up since three-thirty. I made some tea, double checked my bag and Cathrine's, packed Michael's for him, made sure we had our tickets and passports, made sure I had Michael's passport, made sure I had things for Cathrine to do on the plane and made sure my laptop has a full battery. At precisely four I wake the guys. Ashton and Calum got out of bed the first time I asked, but Michael took some more convincing. By which I mean I shoved him off the bed. By 4:30 all four of us are ready to go.

"Ash can you take my suitcase, Michael can you take Cathrine's and Calum if you could carry her bag of stuff for the plane. Please?"

"What are you taking?" Michael asks me.


"Right." I walk back to my room, gently pick Cathrine up, wrap a blanket around her and grab her penguins. I join the guys on the lift and we silently ride down. From the lift we go to the waiting car. Cathrine stirred, but hasn't actually woken up yet. The drive to the airport is silent as well. The airport is basically empty, but it is 20 to 5 in the morning. We board the plane with no problems and soon we take off. Cathrine is kind of awake, but not really. Cathrine is sitting between Michael and I, with Ashton and Calum behind us. Not long after take off Michael, Ashton, and Calum are asleep. Cathrine woke up, crawled into my lap and fell asleep with her head resting on my chest. It isn't long before I'm asleep too.

+a couple of hours later+

"Wuke! Wuke!" Cathrine is poking my cheek and saying my name. I open my eyes, letting them adjust to the light.


"Wook!" She crawls on top of Michael to look out the window."See we in da aiw."

"Yeah. We're in an airplane."

"We fwying?" She asks in amazement, her eyes going wide.


"We gonna cwath?"

"No I don't think so." She crawls back over Michael and sits in her seat. Michael is still sound asleep. Though I can't say I'm surprised.

"I want beakfest." She tells me.

"You want breakfast?" She nods. I get the stewardses's attention and ask for something for Cathrine to eat and a cup of coffee for me. By the time the stewardess comes back Michael is awake. Judging by the snoring behind us I assume Ashton and Calum are still asleep. When Cathrine finishes eating I grab a coloring book and some crayons for her. Once she all set to color I grab my laptop and headphones.

"Can you just keep an eye on her?" I ask Michael. He nods. I put my headphones on and start some music. Then I open the project I've been working on.

+landing in L. A.+

The plane ride went fine. Cathrine had a small panic attack when we landed, but relaxed as soon as we stepped off the plane. Now we're waiting for our bags. Michael and Ashton have theirs and I have Cathrine's.

"Luke isn't that yours?" Calum asks pointing at a familiar navy suitcase. I grab it and join Michael and Ashton while Calum waits for his suitcase. Once he has it we make our way through the crowded airport. We only had to stop once for two fans. They both assured us that they won't tell about Cathrine. We took pictures and then the fans left. From the airport we were driven to our hotel. Michael and Calum are sharing one room and Ashton, Catherine and I are sharing the other. I stand my suitcase and Cathrine's by one of the beds. I set Cathrine on the floor and lay down on the bed.

+Ashton's POV+

"Athon! Athon, Athon, Athon!" Cathrine says over and over.

"Yes." I replies.

"Hep. Pwease?"

"Help you what?" She points at the bed Luke is lying on.

"Sure, but I need a kiss first." I pick her up and she plants a kiss my cheek. I set her on Luke's stomach. I lay down on the other bed.

"Luke?" The only response is a grunt.

"What's our schedule for tomorrow?"

"Stuff. I'm gonna take a nap." He rolls over causing Cathrine to fall on the bed next to him. She giggles and stands up. She starts jumping.

"Cathrine, Cat, honey we don't jump on the bed. Especially when someone is trying to sleep."

"Sowwy." She sits down and slides off the bed. She comes and stands next to mine. Her head just barely pokes up over the edge of the bed.

"Athon, I go see Meecow?"

"Sure." I get off the bed. She puts her tiny little hand in my huge one and we walk to Michael and Calum's room. I knock on the door. Calum opens it.

"Oh hi."

"Cathrine wanted to come see Michael."

"He's on the bed." Cathrine runs in yelling,"Meecow, Meecow, Meecow!" He helps her onto the bed.

"I'm gonna go take a nap. Luke is napping too. Please watch her."

"Sure. We'll wake you up at dinner time." I nod, walk back to my room and lay down on the empty bed. I hate jet lag.


So yeah. Not much happened. But just a few more chapters and some stuff will happen. Promise.


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