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Two Weeks Later

Luke's POV

Cat has been really grumpy today. She's been complaining about something hurting, but she won't tell me what. I'm getting really worried. She's been whining and groaning and crying and I'm not sure what to do with her. I think I might take her to the doctors. At the moment we're in our hotel room. She's lying on the bed. Some kids show is playing in the backround.

"Daddy, it huwts!" she cries. I pick her and start gently rubbing her back.

"It huwts." she moans a few times. That's it I'm taking her to the doctors. I put her coat on her and put on mine. Since I'm already wearing shoes I grab my phone and wallet and walk out. I hail a cab and tell the cabbie where I want to go. He takes us to a small walk in clinic. I walk in and to the front desk.

"Good afternoon. How may I assist you?" the lady asks.

"My daughter is in pain. She keeps telling me something hurts, but she won't say what. And she hasn't been eating anything."

"Ok. Well judging by your accent I'm going to assume you aren't from here and don't have a family doctor?" I nod.

"Alright well if you'll just take a seat right there the doctor will be with you shortly." She points to a chair. I nod again and sit down. A few minutes later a nurse comes and takes us to an exam room. I sit down on the exam table with Cat in my lap. The door opens and a female doctor walks in.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Delana."

"I'm Luke and this is Cathrine."

"Why are you here today?"

"Cathrine keeps complaining about something hurting and she won't eat and it's starting to worry me."

"Cathrine can you show me what hurts?" Cat puts her hand up and points at the inside of her mouth.

"How old is she?" the doctor asks as she puts on a pair of gloves.

"She's three." the doctor grabs a little light and shines it in Cat's mouth. She rubs her finger around inside Cat's mouth. Cat lets a contented sigh past her lips. The doctor smiles.

"Does that feel nice sweetie?" Cat nods.

"That's what I thought. She's getting her three year molars. I suggest getting some children's Tylenol and maybe something to chew on, like a pacifier."

"What's a pacifier?" I ask.

"Can I ask a question first?" I shrug and she continues,"Where are you from?"

"Australia." She's quiet a minute.

"I think where you're from they call them dummies."

"Oh, I know what that is." After that we leaves. I get us another cab and we go to a store. I find children's Tylenol and a dummy for her. In the cab on the way back to our hotel room I give her some Tylenol and open the dummy for her. I put it in her mouth and she starts chewing on it.

"Is that better baby girl?" I ask her. She nods and rests her head against my chest. Before long she's asleep.


So I've got a couple new books in progress. I want you to tell me which one you want. Here's their bio's.

Secrets{Genderbent 5sos}

A drummer with a secret passion for drawing and history.

A bassist with a secret passion for poetry and astronomy.

A frontman with a secret passion for reading and dancing.

And a guitarist with a secret passion for writing and Latin.

Secrets. Some good. Some bad. A secret is still a secret. And it's proof that you don't trust anyone but yourself.

A drummer with depression.

A bassist with an alcohol addiction.

A frontman with anxiety.

And a guitarist with a drug addiction.


My Little Princess(ai)

One mistake can change your life forever.

This is a story about taking responsibility for your actions and accepting the consequences of your mistakes. This is a story about a young man making a mistake he can't fix, learning a valuable lesson on responsibility and trying to make up for what he did. A story of a young man battling inner demons, hating himself and being eaten alive by the guilt of his mistake. This is the story about a young man learning how one mistake can change you life and others' lives forever.


So go ahead and comment which one you want and I'll start posting. Oh and if any of you have read Not So ordinary I'm going to start writing the sequel to that called The Rebellion. So yeah. expect a lot of updates. And soon. I'm gonna start making up an updating schedule. Once I've got it figured out I'll tell you guys. Well I guess that's it for now. Stay awesome!


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