Epilogue II

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Michael's POV

Today is perhaps the greatest day of my life. I am getting married to the love of my life. Spencer and I are getting married. We've been together for five years now. Cat is almost nine. I'm getting ready for the wedding. I'm working on tying my tie. I can see in the mirror that Cat comes in. She's in a pale pink dress, with a red hair bow in her hair.

"Hey Kitten."

"Daddy why do I have to wear pink?" she asks.

"Because you look pretty." she frowns. "Come on where's your smile?" I ask her.

"The pink dress stole it." she huffs and crosses her arms. I smile at her comment. She is very much like me which is odd, but anyways she doesn't like to wear bright colors. Most of her clothes are dark blue, dark purple or black. And her room is so dark purple that at first glance it looks black.

"Do I need to get the tickle monster?" she giggles and shakes her head. She runs out. Luke and Ashton walk in.

"Hey guys." I go back to tying my tie.

"Hey. The wedding starts in five minutes." Luke tells.

"Okay. Ugh this stupid tie. Why do I even have to wear one?" I ask no one in particular.

"Because you look better with one." mum says as she walks in. She stands in front of me and ties my tie for me.

"How can you do that?" I ask.

"I've been doing it for thirty some odd years." she tells me. I nod and walk out and down the isle. Ashton, Luke and Calum follow me. Then the music starts. Spencer's sisters, Libby and Cat walk down the isle. And then comes Spence. She looks perfect. She comes and stands next to me.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today for joining of these two in holy matrimony."

*time to skip to the vows*

Spencer takes a deep breath.

"Michael when I met you five years ago you were just some idiot who dyed his hair.(the crowd chuckles)But then I got to know you and I fell much harder than I intended too. You're still an idiot, don't get me wrong, but you're also my everything. You are the reason for my very existence. You know I'm still trying to comprehend why you'd want to be with someone like me, but you see through my flaws as I do you. You probably are wondering why I'd want someone like you and the reasons I have are simple and few. You make me happy when no one else can, you love me for me and you aren't perfect. With this ring I make you a promise. A promise to love you no matter what and a promise to stay by your side always, even through your toughest trials, I'll stay right next to you." She slides the ring onto my finger. I clear my throat.

"First I think you should know that my vows are nowhere near as impressive as hers.(the crowd chuckles again). Anyways. Spencer from the day I first met you I'm knew that you were special. As the days we knew each other grew I knew that you were the one for me. You except me the way I am and you love me even when I'm a dick. You are my definition of perfect. I can't promise you joy or a fairy tale ending, but I can promise to be by your side and to love until we die. So I give you this ring as a promise of my love for you and as a promise to stay by your side forever and always." I slip the ring onto her finger. She holds my hand tightly. We face the priest.

"If they're is anyone who objects to this marriage or has any reason why this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony speak now or forever hold your peace." It's silent. "And now by the power vested in me by the province of New South Wales I pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride." I don't hesitate at all. I pull Spence forward and kiss her. We turn and face the crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen I introduce to you, for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Clifford." Everyone claps and we walk down the isle.

Spencer's POV+I was really really wrong. You might as well get attached+

I can't believe I am Mrs. Clifford. We already ate and now we're getting ready for speeches. Luke starts. He talks about all their tours and a bunch of stupid things Michael did. Ashton, Libby, my baby sister Mandy, and Calum give their speeches and then Cat gets up on a chair with the mic. She looks around until her eyes land on Michael and I.

"Uh...Hi. My name is Catherine. I'm the bride and groom's daughter. Uncle Luke wanted me to make a speech, but since I don't know how I'm going to sing them a song. I've heard mommy sing this to daddy a lot, so I thought it would be the right song." She clears her throat and then the music starts.

"You are my sunshine. My only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." she sings it twice through. Everyone clapped and she got down. Michael stood and pulled me with him. The mic got passed up to him.

"We want to thank each and every one of you for coming to our wedding. Thank you for making this special occasion even more special. Anything you want to add Spence?" he holds the mic against my chest instead of my mouth. I grab it and put it near my mouth.

"Can someone explain to me why I picked him?" Everyone laughs."No? Alright well like he said thank you all for joining us for this wonderful day. I'd also especially like to thank Ashton and Mila for watching Cat while we go away for our honeymoon and please take the little boxes by your place marker on the tables." I hand the mic back to Michael and sit down. Michael passes the mic forward. My dad takes it and stands up.

"Michael you better treat my little girl right. If I find out that you haven't been treating her right I won't hesitate to get out my shotgun."

"William sit down." mom scolds and passes the mic off. My oldest sister Andrea takes the mic. She tells an embarrassing story about when we were kids and I blush and hide behind my napkin. Eventually the night comes to an end. We get in the car and drive to the airport for our flight to London.

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