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Luke's POV

I grab Cathrine and her bag, carrying both I make my way to our waiting car. I get in and sit her in my lap. Michael sits down in front of me, Calum beside him and Ashton beside me.

"Hi I'm Michael." Michael tells Cathrine.

"I Cafwin."

"What does that mean?" He asks me.

"Her name is Cathrine."

"Ah. Well how are you Cathrine?"

"Otay." Is her reply.

"Oh my God she is so cute." Michael says. I immediately put my hands over her ears.

"No swearing in front of her."

"Sorry." I move my hands from her ears. Michael and Calum talk with Cathrine while I look over the list that Mrs. Rudolph gave me. It's a list of things we'll need for her as well as what she will eat, what she won't, what she's scared of and what she's allergic to. It's quite the list. Soon we pull up in front of Target. We all get out.

"What dis pwace?" Cathrine asks me.

"This is Target. We have some shopping to do, but don't worry we won't be long." I set her on the ground. She puts her tiny little hand in mine. We walk, rather slowly, inside. I let go of her hand to grab a cart. I feel her wrap her little arms around my leg. I pick her up and put her in the cart. I pull a grocery list out of my pocket.

"Cal can you and Ash get the groceries while Mike and I get what we need for her?"

"Sure." He takes the list and a seperate cart. I consult my list. First things first. I we make our way to the kids spot, Michael making faces at Catrhrine the entire time. I grab what we need putting things in the cart. Things like sippy cups, plastic dishes, a car seat, and a toothbrush.. From there we move to clothes. I continue putting things in the cart while Michael continues to entertain Cathrine. From clothes we go to toys. I grab some coloring books and crayons because they're a good distraction.

"Penpin. Penpin." I hear Cathrine start saying over and over.

"What?" I ask her.

"Penpin." She points to a toy on the shelf. It's a stuffed purple penguin.

"You want the penguin?"

"Yeah. Penpin. Wike penny." I grab the penguin and hand it to her. She hugs it. We walk through the aisles Cathrine occasionally seeing a toy she wants. By the time we're done the cart is full, and Michael is carrying stuff too. We make our way to the check outs. We pay for everything and make our way back to the car where Calum and Ashton are waiting.

+at the house+

"Ok everything is in her room." I say, walking into the living room. I check the time. 6:30. Supper time.

"Calum can you order pizza, please?" He nods and pulls his phone out. Fifteen minutes later the pizza arrives. Calum takes it to the kitchen while I get everyone else.

"Cathrine?" Where is she.

"Michael? Where's Cathrine?" I walk down the hall. I go to Michael's room first. I walk in. There's no one in here. I'm about to leave when I hear little laughter and Michael saying sh. I open the closet. Both Michael and Cathrine are sitting on the floor.

"I found you." I say as I pick Cathrine up.

"I'll go get Ashton." Michael says getting up. I carry Cathrine to the kitchen table. I set her on a chair.

"Sit here while I get your food."

"Otay." I grab a plate and put a piece of pizza on it. I cut it into pieces and set the plate in front of her, handing her a fork. She picks the fork up and tries to put some pizza on it, when it fails she resorts to using her fingers. Soon she has pizza sauce all over her. I guess she'll need a bath before bed. Ashton came out and ate, washed his dishes and went back to his room. Michael said he do the rest of the dishes so I can bath Cathrine. Holding her back against my chest I make my way to the bathroom.

"What doin?" She asks.


"Otay." After half an hour in the bathroom she is still covered in pizza, as well as bubbles, I am soaked and the bathroom looks like it was hit with a tsunami. Another half hour, she's clean, I'm still wet and the bathroom is much cleaner. I grab a towel and wrap her. We walk out to the living room. Michael is messing with his phone on the couch.

"Michael can you get her in her pajamas, please?" I put her in his lap and go to my room to change. After taking my clothes off and replacing them with pajama bottoms I walk back to the living room to find Cathrine with no clothes and Michael is no where to be seen.

"Cathrine where's Michael?"

"Meecow in bafwoom." Of course he is. Sighing I walk back to her room. I grab a pair of her purple feetie pajamas.

"Wanna wear purple feetie pajamas?" I ask.

"No. No jamas." She runs down the hall. I chase after her. I'm about to grab her when Michael's door swings open and hits me in the face. I stumble back.

"Oh God Luke are you alright?"

"I'll be fine." Cathrine comes running back.

"You otay?"

"I'm fine. Now it's time to get ready for bed. Come on."

"No. No jamas."

"Look. Michael's wearing pajamas. I'm wearing pajamas. We all wear pajamas to bed." I pick her up and carry her to the living room. Once she's in her pajamas she starts jumping on the couch. I think she's a little wound up.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask her.

"What dat?" She doesn't know what a movie is?

"I'll show you." I put Frozen in the DVD player, grab a blanket and sit down. Cathrine comes and sits down in my lap

+when the movie is over+

"Cathrine's asleep and I'm tired so we're going to bed." I tell Michael and Calum. Gently picking Cathrine up I walk to my room. We haven't bought her a bed yet so she's sleeping in my bed tonight. I lay her on the bed, then lay down next to her. I wrap my arms around her little body and pull her to my chest. Soon I fall asleep holding my little girl.

That was way longer than I expected it to be. Anyone else getting excited for Christmas? Has anyone else seen the Jet Black Heart music video? I love it!

Merry Christmas from Savannah!

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