ch. 8

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Two minutes later . . .

Lina lifted herself Jimmy, feeling dazed, with his blood all over her mouth.

"Uhhh . . . Wh-What the . . ." 

She looked down at Jimmy.

"AIIl!i Dios Mio! What did I do?!!" she shouted.

Sara narrowed her eyes at her, "You drank Jimmy's blood, that's what you did.

On the other side of the room, Sophia woke up form her nap. She got up from her seat and opened the door.

"He is everything Ok back-" she looked behind her and saw them, " . . . there . . .?"

Lina and Sara froze, staring back at Sophia, while Jimmy got up from the floor. Blood covering his neck.

"My neck hurts . . ."

Sophia froze as she saw his teeth elongating.

She screamed, which caused jimmy to avert his attention to her.

He ran over to her with vampire speed and bit her arm.

He then took him mouth off her and she fell to the floor.

"WHAT THE HECK, JIMMY?!!" Lina shouted at him.

"Oops! I was thirsty!" he said with an apologetic face.

The door opened and Rachel walked in, "What's going on here?"

Jimmy and Lina both pounced on her, biting her.

Sara rested her head in her hand and sighed.

"This is gonna be a LONG trip . . ."

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