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                  High school. An educational prison full of drama, teenage relationships, hurtful rumors and homework. As Ferris Bueller once said, "Life moves pretty fast. You don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." Well, I beg to differ. We have all been caught watching the clock instead of learning about an impossible equation that most of us will never need to use in life. Our muscles constantly sour from the outdated desk-chairs that painted with bad drawings and old gum. And once our heads ache from all the useless knowledge that our teachers shove into our brains, we have sports, clubs, after-school jobs and relationships that are also spinning through our minds. Including all the sleepless nights thanks to mountains of homework.  All the aches and pains from shoving books into our lockers, shuffling through crowded hallways and carrying full backpacks all the way home. If only high school  could move that fast.

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