ch. 1

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Dedicated to my good friend Lina, the original creator :3          

                   I just want to let you know that this story is related to "The Dream Team," my first book. The main characters are the Dream Team members, just in their human forms. Everything will be explained soon.

Enjoy ;3   

                  It all started as a normal day in the Braintree High school cafeteria. It is the beginning of lunch and most of the group has already sat down at their usual table. Lina, a very skilled artist and proud Porto Rican. Sophia, the group ginger that everyone gets along with and is a fan of Hello Kitty. Steph, one of the smartest members of the group but also has a weakness for chocolate (which is common in our group). Kayla, a very tall blond who lives to annoy us all. Nick, a long haired emo guy only has an appetite for apples. Harry, who usually doesn't say much unless the conversation is about school assignments or Russia and Germany. Emily, a talented flute player and the only one of use that knows everything about baseball. And Kristen, the smallest of the group and tends to speak her mind, no matter how weird.

                 Lina begins waveing her hand and we all look to see Jimmy coming towards us. He never has anything bad to say about anything and is obsessed with the show "Adventure Time."

                  "Guess what everybody?" he asks excitedly.

"What," we all ask. He holds out his tray to us, "I have a Spicy chicken sandwich for lunch!" His favorite.

Kristen just gives him an annoyed look as she said, "Who cares?!"

As he sits down between Emily and Nick, Rachel and Ricky take their spots between Kristen and Lina. Rachel is probably the craziest of them all and is a big fan of medieval weapons. Ricky is also one of the smart group members, (but not as smart as Steph), and is also a boy scout. Now the only one left in our group was Sara, who must still be in the lunch line.

As everyone settles in Ricky says, "Hey, did you see that limping sick kid?"

"Limping? Where?" asks Lina.

He points to a table full of girls, "Over there by that table of popular kids."

                We all looked towards them and saw some guy limping over to them. His hair was covering half of his face and the parts you could see where covered in dirt.

We kept staring at him as Sophia asked what we where all thinking, "What's he doing?"

                The boy stopped right behind one of the girls, who we realized was Courtney, and then bit her arm. She screamed in pain but once he let go, her face went down onto the table. She began shaking as blood dripped down her arm, while that limping kid just walked away.

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