ch. 7

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Mr. L. explained that he was taking us to a refuge center in Alaska. There we would be safe and away from all the other monsters.

 However, there were already two monsters with us.

"C'mon! Let us out! I'm not gonna bite you guys!" said Sara

We had to lock them both in cages.

"I'm hungry . . ." Lina whined.

"At least we're all together," said Steph

"Oh!" said Emily, "I just realized! We didn't have lunch yet!"

Sophia went over to a crate by the wall, "Looks like there's some food in here. Here, Jimmy, I found a Spicy Chicken sandwich!"

"Awesome!" Jimmy lifted up his arms in excitement.

"Apples," said Nick.

"A PB sandwich . . . THAT'S NOT SMUSHED!" said Kristen, her sandwich's usually end up smushed from all the stuff in her backpack.

Kayla, Steph, and Emily  all raised their arms in complete joy, "CHOCOLATE CAKE!!!"

As we all began eating our lunches, Lina looked pissed.

"SERIOUSLY?!! Eating in front of a starving vampire and zombie?!! THAT'S JUST CRUEL!!!" she screamed at us.

Ignoring Lina, Rachel asked, "Hey L., how much longer until we reach Alaska?"

"A few hours . . . It's gonna be a LONG trip."

"Ok . . ." said Steph, "We should get some rest. But, first, we need some one to watch Lina and Sara. Any volunteers?"

Jimmy immediately raised his hand, "Me!!!" he said with a huge smile. He loves to volunteer for things.

"Ok. Be careful Jimmy," yelled Steph as she began closing the door.

"Don't worry!" he said as her slide onto the floor with his sandwich next to Lina's cage. 

He began eating his lunch, while Lina watched him with hunger in her in her eyes.

Sara noticed. 

"Lina, control yourself."

" . . .yo quiero sangre . . ." she started talking in Puerto Rican.

"Remember, Jimmy is your friend. Not your food."

"Friend, not food."

"Friend, not food."

"Friend, not food."

"Got it," said Lina.

Sara let out a relieved sigh.

"Aw, man! I got this sauce all over my face! . . . And, some how, my neck!" said Jimmy.

Lina spun her head towards him and saw that he had gotten sauce on his neck.

Her mouth began to water and her heart beat started pounding in her ears. She squeezed her fist so hard that she began cracking the cage bars.

She felt her fangs elongating. 

"J-Jimmy. You're killing me here . . ."

Jimmy looked over at her, "Oh, do you want a bite?" he held out his sandwich to her.

Sara watched as Lina ripped the cage bars apart and jump on Jimmy. She bit into his neck, causing him to scream in pain.

Sara turned away from them and did a face palm.


I know, I know . . . gross.

Read on to see what happens . . . 

Jimmy just got turned into a vampire.

Lina is free from her cage.

I believe the shit just hit the fan for our fellow hero's O_o  

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