ch. 6

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                     We were now on the roof, waiting for our "friend" who wrote us the note. We all started looking around but found no one else up here.

"Where are they?" asked Jimmy.

"There's no one here! Is this some trap?" said Rachel.

Lina started walking closer to the group, "What do you guys think Sara meant? 'More undead creatures?' What's undead besides zombies?"

A black figure rushed up to her.

It was a guy about our age with black hair, pale skin and  . . . fangs!?!

"Vampires and mutant zombies of course," he said, causing Lina to yelp in a mix of surprise and fear.

She opened her mouth to scream but was stopped when his hand covered her mouth.

"My, your loud."

"THEY'RE COMING!" shouted Emily, looking over at the door. 

"Aw, come ON!" said Kristen.

"Now what do we do?" said Nick.

There where too many to fight off so we were forced to back up until we reached the edge of the roof.

We then began hearing a loud CHOP CHOP CHOP noise behind us.

"What's that sound?" asked Jimmy.

We looked up and saw Mr. L. one of the high school music teachers we sort of befriended in a helicopter.

"MR. L!?!" we all shouted.

"Get in QUICKLY!" he yelled to us.

A ladder began falling from the helicopter and ending right in front of us.

"About time, L."

Sophia began looking around for something, "What about Lina and Sara?"

 L. looked at us with a sad expression, "I don't think they made it."

Once we were all settled in the helicopter, L. began flying us away from the school.

"Aww . . " Sophia said with a sad sigh.

"Can we go back," Kristen asked hopefully.

Ricky looked down at his feet, "We can't. There are too many enemies."

"Don't worry . . ." said Sara.

" . . . We're here."

One problem though . . .

 Sara had a zombie bite mark on her arm and Lina had a vampire bite mark on her neck.

And both of their eyes turned bright gold.


If you enjoyed that chapter, GREAT!! Comment with any opinion you have as long as its not hurtful O_o

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