Chapter 37

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Damian's POV

I arrived at the docks with Grayson pulling up a few seconds behind me. I pulled out the device that located the tracker but the signal had been lost. Dammit. It should be nearby, "Nightwing, search the area, (Y/N) is being held nearby. I just need to find where so I can kick the crap out of the sick person who would take her from me."

"You mean we need to find her so we can kick the crap out of the kidnappers."

"I never wanted you to come. So, shut up and follow my orders."

Nightwing opened his mouth to say something but probably thought better of it and just gave me a look. Good, I've put him in his place and taught him not to answer back to my decisions. He grappled to the nearest warehouse while I checked for heat signatures from nearby people. The area seemed clear, at least no one was emitting infrared waves nearby but they could easily be wearing thermal clothing which makes them invisible to this particular lens.

"Robin, the whole place is completely abandoned, there's no one to be seen within miles," Nightwing said through my earpiece.

"This is definitely the location the signal was coming from," I replied, then a thought popped into my head. "Meet me at the main office on the east side of the docks, I'm going to check the records of the outgoing boats, maybe I can recover some footage from the CCTV cameras that might help."

"Alright, I'll see you there."

When I arrived, Nightwing was already there hacking into the keypad which kept the door to the office locked. "Aaaaaand... Voila!"

The keypad flashed green and a buzzing noise came from the door. I opened the door with Nightwing following through right behind me.

We both stood motionless, staring at the desk in horror. What I presumed to be the manager of the docks, had been brutally murdered, his blood covered every piece of furniture in the room. I knew exactly who the killer was. A regular murder in Gotham would just be a bullet to the head or sometimes the victims would be beaten to death, but this wasn't just a regular murder. There were multiple slash wounds on the man's body, the biggest at his throat. The blood had been purposely smothered everywhere, from this cause of death, the blood wouldn't have just made its way 5 metres across the room. The killer was sending a message. A message for me. They knew I would be here and I now knew exactly who the killer was. They had (Y/N). Her earpiece was left next to the body on the desk.

"The League is going to pay for this," I hissed, mainly to myself but Nightwing replied, "They're not getting away with it this time."

I had to lean over the bloody desk to access the computer, to my surprise the CCTV footage was already up there. It was footage of mother and her minions taking (Y/N) onto a ship. They wanted me to see this footage, to prove they had her. They want me to find her. I'm going to, if it means I travel to the ends of the earth, to the bottom of the ocean, I will find her.

"Grayson, I have a new plan. We'll take the Batwing to find the ship (Y/N) is being held on. From looking at the footage it only left an hour ago and it was heading south-east when it was leaving the docks. If we hurry we should fly over it within 20 minutes of it continued in that direction." I exited the office and grappled to the rooftop with Nightwing not far behind.

"Ok boss. I just called the Batwing to pick us up, it should be here in just a few minutes, good thing Batman isn't using it!"

"Even if father did require it he would have to make do without. Right now finding (Y/N) is the number one priority."

"Wow, it really is amazing to see how much (Y/N) has changed you. Before you met her you didn't care about anyone but yourself and you buried all your feelings and emotions so deep down inside you that it was consuming you from the inside. Now you're not as afraid to open up with me and I love that. I love how now I can be the big brother you can turn to for advice an-"

"Shut it Grayson! Stop trying to turn every conversation we have into some heartfelt sob story! I was weak once already today and I can't let it happen again. So if you try to get me to cry to you about my feelings one more time I will throw you in that ocean myself!"

"Alright Little D. You keep on telling everyone you're such a hard-ass but I know you're a real softie on the inside." Grayson teased me, thankfully the Batwing arrived before I could lose my temper with him and attack him. We climbed aboard and Nightwing set a course heading south-east.

We sat in silence for the next fifteen minutes, looking out for the ship but there was nothing to be seen.



I looked down at my feet and mumbled the words, "For the record, there was never a time when I didn't care about anyone but myself. I've always cared about you, you've always been the most bearable in the family and you've always accepted me for who I am, and I'm great full for that." 

I looked back up at Grayson and he had the goofiest smile planted on his face, "Awwwwweeeee Baby-Bat, I love you too!" And before I could respond about how hideous that comment was he tackled me with a tight hug.

"Grayson! Unhand me this instant!"

"No way! You just confessed your feelings again!"

Then I saw it, just out of the corner of my eye, as I was trying to escape from Grayson's unbearable grasp, I saw the League's ship. "Seriously Grayson! Unhand me right now! I can see the ship!"

He finally let go and looked out at the ocean, to see the outline of the ship in the distance.

"You ready to kick some ninja butt?" He asked with a smirk.

"I'm more than ready."

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