I Got Tagged...

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Sorry if you guys thought this was an update, there is one coming soon! But I was tagged by Izzeh_Bee to do this.

1. If you could be the main character of any series, who would it be?
I would probably pick Miss Martian from Young Justice but I would morph to grow the hair back again. Also because I would constantly be around Robin, Nightwing  and Superboy 😏🔥

2. Is there an instrument you want to learn?
I've tried to learn instruments I the past but completely failed so I've just given up on music, it's never been something I can do.

3. What is your favourite sport?
Hahaha me doing sport is just funny😂It would have to be Just Dance on the Wii.

4. How old are you in dog years?
98 I think, the calculation took me much longer than it should have.

5. What is your favourite plant?
Those pink magnolia flower tree things that are really pretty in spring.

6. What do you aspire to be?
I honestly don't have a clue.

7. Have you ever been in a fist fight? Do you want to be in one?
I have once against my brother but I fight more with words, my comebacks are on point👌🏼 I don't want to be in a fist fight any time soon.

8. If you could turn into anything what would it be and why?
A mermaid but I can turn back into a human when I want, and I still have water powers and that (like in H2O Just Add Water.)

9. If you could travel anywhere in the world for a week where would you go and why?
The Bahamas because the weather looks really hot and there are supposed to be some pink sand beaches somewhere, I've always wanted to go to one of those.

10. Do you believe in aliens?
I'll believe when I see one.

The people in going to tag are:

Because I love their stories! I also love all my followers and readers, all the votes and comments by book gets mean the world to me.

Anyways the questions are:
1. What is your favourite movie/TV show?
2.Favourite animal? (It doesn't have to exist)
3. If you could live in any universe which would it be? (DC, Marvel etc.)
4. Favourite fictional character?
5. Most embarrassing moment?
6. What is the one thing you want to experience before you die?
7. Most weird habit?
8. Do you believe in destiny?
9. Favourite music to listen to?
10. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?

You don't need to do this at all but I had to tag you soz

P.S Pls comment any ideas of what you want to happen in the next chapter!

GothamGirlx 💗💕

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