A/N Tagged

485 16 13

I got tagged by aquaticgurl2004 and here are the answers to the questions.

Favorite color: Black, like my soul.

Favorite YouTuber(s): Aphmau, Sky, and Markiplier.

Ever kissed anyone?: Ahem, that's classified.

Any broken bones?: I broke my nose and my toe. Me being my clumsy self, I fell on cement and had to get my nose fixed. And for kick boxing, I accidentally hit the concrete wall.

Favorite Minecraft Character: Mine is currently Lucinda. I guess because she's all powerful and awesome.

Pets I own: Three dogs (soon to be four), two rabbits, five chameleons, one horse (sort of), and about four thousand fish.

The fish background is that my aunt somehow got one hundred fish and decided we should have it. She left it on my porch and told me to take care of it. And they multiplied. Yeah.

Pets dead: three dogs +, lots of fish, and like four chameleons.

Favorite Movie: Alice in Wonderland or the Purge.

Favorite Animals: Manta Rays or a unicorn.

So I will tag:

Good luck. ;)

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