Prank Wars Pt. 1

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A/N I deleted the April Fools chapters because I want to do Christmas stuff. Can you blame me?  :) P.S. If you haven't read the last chapter, read it now. It will make more sense.

I commanded Garroth to go to the docks by the long way. I could tell he was in pain, but I didn't feel bad. The boys need to pay for the prank they pulled on us.

   "See you later Aphmau!" I said and walked into my house. I was cold, so a warm shower wouldn't hurt. When I turned it on, green water spilled onto my head. I shrieked and knew exactly who did it. The stupid paint and water mixture took two days to fully wash off.
Flashback over

I had learned that they did it to all the girls in the village. Mila and Julia screamed so loud I think Scaleswind could here. Katelyn collected buckets of purple water and poured it over the boys' heads. Kawaii~Chan dropped flour on Dante, and that's just the beginning of our revenge. All the girls decided to pull a prank on the boys, all at different times.

"(Y/n), (y/n)!" Garroth snapped me out of my daze.

"Garroth, I'm thirsty, can you go back to the tower?" I pouted. This is fun, I now understand why girls piggyback their fathers.

Garroth huffed but didn't argue. We went back up and then complained I was hungry. He grabbed food from the farm and I complained I was thirsty again. He fainted from exhaustion and I started laughing maniacally.

Task one completed, task two time.

I grabbed out a permanent marker and started to draw on his face. I wrote doofus on his forehead, a monocule, mustache and beard, and last but not least, a unibrow.

I was having fun, but I had to wake him up. I grabbed the yellow paint water and dumped it on him. I then sprinted to Aphmau's house when I saw Garroth chase after me. He broke the door down, again.

"Can you stop breaking my doors?! They're not cheap!" Aphmau scolded Garroth.

"Sorry." He mumbled. Aphmau kicked him out of her house and slammed the imaginary door. She looked at me and started laughing.

"I loved that prank." She said while she high-fived me.

So it's true, revenge is sweet.

The schedule I made will start this week.

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