Chapter 6

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"Ah...." I don't want to ask more because of that incident. I just nod and she caught my eyes.

"Ralph....... I-I" she looked into my eyes. I'm waiting for her to finish her words.

"If I'm right, R. Don't be scared to ask me. What happened or Anything. Don't worry I wont stab you" she sighs with her head down and I nod.

I take her chin to face me and I can feel our warm breath mixed.

"Okay. Uh-Uhhmmmmm" I lick my lips. I turn my gaze to her eyes and down to her lips.

I want to kiss her. But what if she won't kiss me back? then we ended up losing our friendship.

"So?" She spoke with her sexy voice making my heart race and the dragons inside my stomach trying to back flip. Ugggggh.

Our eyes stayed to gaze and she squeezes my wrist and I kissed her forehead. I don't know why but I just did. She's seducing me and I dont want to kiss her lips because of my what if's. Uggggh.

"What was that for Ralph?" I can see her blush she's very very shy and that's what I Iike on her. The way she laugh and the way she snore the way she make a puppy eyes and the way she make her voice sexy makes my heart skip a beat. I just look down and open my mouth to say something.

"I-I-I just Uhmmmm-" I dont know what to say but the dragons in my stomach starts to back flip. Again. she kissed my nose. I gasp And God I'm now helpless. My palms starts to sweat.

Oh oh Ralph You really are helpless.

She just make a smirk and find my wrist and slides her hand into mine. I can feel her cold hands intertwined with mine.

"I like you Kenly Smith" Now. God gives me courage to say those words. I don't regret it. When she puts a genuine and contagious smile in to her lips. She's really seducing me so I just smile and feel the time stops for us.

You're so kitty bro.

We just look into our eyes for hours.

"I like you too Ralph David" I hug her tight. And hugs me back. This is really the most special day to remember.

"Really K?" I put genuine smile and she did to.

"Yes. R. I lily lily like u Ralph and Uhhhmmm...." She make her voice very cute and little like 7 years old and that suits her.

"And?" My heart race and the dragons into my stomach turns into fireworks.

"I. L. O. V. E. YOU. ALREADY. RALPH" She says every letter and word. I'm turning into a tomato. I hug her very very tight This is the second time I hug her. I can't help it. She has a very sweet smell and I definitely wont sniff like a dog.

"I. LOVE. YOU. MORE. KENLY. SO MUCH. A VERY LONG TIME." I say every word and trying to make my voice sexy while hugging her and maybe sniffing like a dog.


Oh-Em-Gee Dont tell me I'm turning into a tomato. Please don't. Please.

We stand together and walk towards his car While our hands are still intertwined. I call to our driver to get my car at the mall because Ralph gave me a ride.

Ralph opens the door of his truck for me and I quickly get inside he turns around to get inside the driver's seat and he starts the engine. The ride is very awkward and silent.

"The awkward thingy is getting thick" He look at me and I smile and he put his eyes focus on the road.

"Yeah" I laugh and we laugh. He get a Pringles beside him and handed to me. Why'd he know I really want Pringles this time? Uhhhhm.

"Omg. I-I love thiiis" I said and gave a gaze when I say the word 'love' And get the pringles from his hand. We look each other as the traffic lights turns red.

"Uhhh... really? Me too" He laugh and I giggle. We stop and he put he's gaze on my pair of green eyes. Again.

"Yeah" I'm trying to make my voice sexy as much as I could. "Uhhhm, Ralph the Light turns green and the cars behind us are getting wild" I said and he immediately drive. Obviously, he's cheeks burned up.

"I'm sorry. I-I was staring at you" His voice get sexier and sexier when he says the word 'you'

I Don't say anything because I would only stutter. I open the pringles he gaved and stuff to my mouth. So very Delicious. I ated it like there's no tomorrow and he put his gaze on me and Gasped.

"How can you don't get fat? You eat like............." He doesn't finish his sentence and I furrowed.

"I mean you eat a lot" He finishes and my face is get back to normal and I laugh.

"I guess that's a compliment" We both laugh. Oh GOD even his laugh is so sexy and what can I say? His perfect.

Said a girl who's very helpless.

"Maybe" We both stop laughing and stare to each other.

Dear lord, I hope I can read his mind. Yeah. Too cheesy huh?


Ralph looks away and he presses the brakes and He look at me in a sad face and I can feel my eyes black out and I can hear people chattering and somebody held me in bed. Thats when I knew I'm being brought to hospital. I can hear someones voice. This familiar voice want's me to open my eyes but everytime I do My head starts to ache.

"Ken. Are you you okay? Answer me please!!!!" I can hear his voice once again and he intertwine his hands to mine. I can feel my tears steering down to the pillow where I've been put.

I can feel they brought me down again.

"Faster! Faster! She can't die!!!! Oh my god! Please!!!" I hear him and in a moment I can't hear him again and I hear a voice of man.


This is all my fault I will blame myself if anything happens to her. I will never forgive myself. I just let my love of life got hurt because of me. Sith!!! Ugggh!

The nurses get a first aid kit for me.

I called her home. I get the number from her cellphone and someone picks the phone.

"Smith's Residence. Who's talking please?" I hear her mom answered the phone.

"Hi maam. This is Ralph"

"Oh, Ralph? Where's my daughter? I have calling her a lot of times. Where are you now?" Her mom sounds calm.

"Maam. I am so very very sorry. I- " She cut me off.

"What?! Why? What happened!? Where are you now?" She said. Almost yelling but she isn't angry. Sad I guess.

"We got to an accident maam. And we are now here at St. Luke's Hospital. I'm very sorry-" I said in a very sad tone she hanged up maybe she's coming.

My sweat becomes contagious. Even though it's cold my sweat drops so fast.



YEAH. THE HOSPITAL WHERE KENLY TAKEN ADDERESS IS 4401 Wornall Rd, Kansas City, MO 64111, United States







Dont forget to, ♥



FAN ;) ♥ 



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