Chapter 1

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Hallo Beautifuls. This is Unedited. So, Be aware of my grammar or spellings. Thankyou :) (NoNeggativeCommentsPlease)


Jullianne_xoxo ♥


The family Sheer Invited us on a dinner with the Family David's and The Black's. With their daughter and son. It's like their tradition when there is a new neighbor.


I woke up of the annoying sound of my alarm clock and the sunlight passing through my windows. Suddenly, when I got up, and saw the time, i cursed and hurriedly before i can reach to my shower room, I glare at my body length mirror. I looked exhausted because I have sleep for a couple of hours. After examining my features I get my towel and ran towards my shower room.... after taking a bath a voice shouting outside my room.

"Dear?! Come down! What are you still doing?! Choking the soap?! You'll be late hon!" My mom shouted.

"Yes mom! I'm coming! Don't worry!" I said it while getting dress just get my pink floral jeans and a black heaven blouse with a white sleeveless inside, I just put a liquid eyeliner making my eye bigger and brush my eyelids with a mascara and grab my shoulder bag and put my pink doll shoes with my beautiful straight blond long hair got tied up with messy hair bun that really looks good on me. I went down stairs and had a breakfast with my family.

"Here's your allowance hon" my dad handed me my money while I'm eating my cereal.

"Thanks dad! I think this is too much" i said while looking at my allowance.

"Its fine" dad said while reading through his newspaper.

I gave a kiss on the cheeks to my mom and dad.

"Goodbye mom" "Goodbye dad" i said.

"Keepsafe my baby!" my mom added.

"Mum!!! Im 16 years old!" She just grinned almost laughing as I got out from our three storey house. Walking through our garden I'm heading towards my car when I saw our neighbour Veronica. We also are best friend we know each other for a couple of months. When we transferred to our new house, the family Sheer invited us to a dinner with other neighbours.

I saw my bestfriend Veronica Sheer outside the house she's very nice, beautiful, sexy, hot, she has a natural tan skin, wavy black hair. And she has green eyes. She's my first best friend on our new town. We have the same instinct and being. We have the same type of guys, we have the same favorite food and mostly, we have the same body language. We're a soul twin! ;)

"V!" I shouted as I wave my hands on her.

"K! going to school?" She said while opening the window on her car.

"Yah, you?" I asked.

"Yes. Me too, i can give you a ride" She winked.

"Thankyou! V! You're very AWESOME!" I said while Hopping into her car. And give my car keys to our maids. While she starts her engine.


"Hey guys this is Kenly Smith. She's very new here. Kenly meet; Agnes Black, Curtney Farr, Ralph David, Tyler Grant and my Boyfriend Jim Drake." Veronica introduced me on her friends. While sitting on a table on the canteen.

"Hey, nice to meet you guys." I said with a smile and a wave to each of them.

"Hello! So, where in this place you came from kenly?" Curtney asked while our hands shaking.

"I came from canada" i said and smiled.

"Nice place!" Jim interrupted.

"Oh, hey! So, V. this is your boyfriend? Hehe, both of you look very good. Finally i met you jim. V always talk to me about you" i said as I glare on to V.

"Omg K! Shhhh!" She said and widen her eyes on me.

"Hi kenly." Ralph said.

"Hey ralph! Very nice to meet you" i said as he look on my eyes deeply. He snapped because I interacted with Tyler.

"Hey Tyler" i said and beamed.

"Oh, hi. Nice to meet you ken!" He said and winked on me. Omg. I think I already like tyler because of his muscular body, smooth hair that I can barely watch it though and he has a very chocolate brown eyes. He's really Awesome.

"K? You alright?" He asked.

"Oh, i'm sorry." I said.

"Omg. Omg. Omg! Am i ghost here? Yohooo?!! Haha! Hi kenly! Im so pleasured to meet you! Hehe!" Agnes said and smiled her very wide smile can see her very very white teeth.

" Hello agnes! Me too! So pleasured" i throw a wink at her and a grin.

The f*cking bell rang and immediately, we all stand and say goodbye to each other. While ralph and i are in the same subject. I like ralph as a friend he really has a very nice attitude. He's handsome, tall, muscular body, cute and very intelligent. That a girl could kill me if they see me and with him. Buuuut, i can get their eyeballs out and their sluty ass hanging on their lockers.

"So, hey. What makes you think to stay here in Kansas?" Ralph asks and smiled.

"Because of my family's business" i glared at him and smiled.

"Ahhh, see" he said and open the door of the room for me. I smile on him on other way thanking.


A guy sat at the back. And everyone's glaring at him. What do that guy has?! I wonder why. I stood up and a way of murmuring those words, i got shocked when our dick headed professor stared at me. His eyeballs can rip off from his eyes.

"Hey! Why are'nt you paying attention to my class?! You go sat beside with Mr. Brook at the back."

"But. Uh, sir. I can" i said and he snap! Oh crap! Ugggh.

"I don't listen on excuses" he smirks. Ugggh. He's the one who i can barely punch his face with a thump tacks on my punch and get his face bloody! Gad-damn.

"Alright sir!" I said and sit beside Mr. Brooks.

"Hey. I know what you're thinking there. And it makes you want to kill him. Huh?" He said while giving me a bored face.






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---------------> THEY'RE SCHOOL'S PICTURE ;)


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