Chapter 5

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*Veronica texted;

"Ken, I hope both of you would be okay" I read her message in a squaky voice she always make.

"We are" i relplied.

"Good to know!!!!!" She said. I could imagine her face overjoyed Veronica making her voice like a mouse.

Ralph's POV

All of the pain lost when she encountered on me. Everything is so perfect! She always made my day, The way she make me happy. Her laugh is so contagious. I can't help this.


She watch her watch and....

My daydream ends when she grab my wrist and take me with her. I think this is my role for living. Grabbing and taking me.

"Ken. Slow down! Where are you up to?" I asked almost yelling. And I think I've said those words before. KILL ME NOW. Juskidding I won't let Kenly suffer without me.

"Just shut up. And let me take you" she yelled as I look deeply on her eyes.

HOLY STRAWBERRIES! I CANT TAKE THIS I'M MELTING! STUPID ME. OH! CUPIDO STOPPP! My face looks like a tomato this moment. Obviously, I'm blushing I can feel my cheeks burning. Uggggh!!

"Okay" I added. My voice kinda shaking. And my hands sweating.

We ran towards the parking lot. We went to my truck.

"Where are we going? Huh? Ken?" I asked while starting the engine.

"Park. So, Why are you blushing like a tomato?" she asked. I can saw her cheeks burning. I don't know why. Maybe because of me.

Oh, If you're going to imagine again, stop it.

I hate the voice inside my head. Uggggh,

Again, my face turns red again. She's so irresistible.

I just kissed her left cheek. I don't know why. But, I can see her cheeks burning. Again.

5 minutes of awkward silence, we arrived to the park. I opened the door for her as she get her DSLR and looked so amazed of the weather.

I can see her eyes mesmerizing the beauty of the nature. She jumped and happy dancing. She's really amazing.

"Come babe" she walked straight and I was behind her.

She look back and take me a picture. It was stolen as I fix my hair in a messy. I was shocked. I get her camera and take a look I saw myself styling my hair. I liked it so, I did not delete.

As I scrolled the pictures, I noticed kenly is staring at me. I teased her.

"Hey beautiful. Are you checking on me?" I asked confidently. She snapped and...

"Shut up" she answered rolling her eyes and she jump into my back.

I can't feel a mass on her. She's so lite.

"I can take you pictures" said an 8 year old kid.

"Ohhhh! Sure! Thank you so much sweetheart!" Kenly laughed with joy.

The little girl take pictures of us while kenly is still on my back.

Kenly got down and.......................

"Hop on my back" she said excitedly.

"I'm heavy ken. You might break a bone" i said.

"Me? No. No. No! Hurry!" She said with a grin plastered on her face.

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