Chapter 9: The Beginning or the End?

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Lisa POV

Dinner was awkward silence mixed in with nervous small talk. Athena was looking better though. Whatever Lily gave her was working.

I glanced over at Amelia to find her smiling at me as she ate. The elder and his wife sat at either ends of the long wooden table. Their grandson was an odd character. He glared at each of us like we were interrupting his life.

He paid more attention to Pandora and Amelia than the rest of us. Logan was the first, as expected to break the silence and comment on the oddity.

"Okay, did she, kill your parents or something?" Logan asked as her fork clamored down on the decorative plate of food before her.

"Logan!" The twins chastised in unison.

"Yeah am curious myself." Athena added "No offense," she aimed in the direction of our hosts "but you are staring kinda hard buddy. "

Marcellus cleared his throat, signifying his disapproval of the conversation.

"I must apologize for the lack of tact my companions are currently displaying." I gritted my teeth as I spoke and glared at them.

"Let me apologize for my grandson as well. His stare is due to the fact that Pandora has been the face which has haunted him for years. I assume finally seeing her in person is overwhelming." Lilly offered.

"Haunted? My face? What? " Pandora almost choked on her chicken marsala meal.

"No way." Amelia offered pointing her fork at him. "You are an oracle." She continued as she laughed.

"Oracle?" we chorused.

"I'm the Oracle of Delphi." He announced "And you shouldn't exist." He shot back at Amelia.

"Yeah well, you should be a girl." She teased back. "Cheers to anomalies." She lifted her glass to him before taking a drink.

He snorted at her words. "I thought Oracles could be guys too?" Logan asked.

"Not the Oracle of Delphi. That is the high priestesses of the temple of Apollo." Pandora shook her head as all eyes turned to her. She looked around the table cautiously. "What?" she asked shrugging her shoulders. "My name is Pandora I've been stained with Greek mythology since birth." She explained turning back to her food.

"My mom once told me it wasn't a myth." Athena chuckled until she made a mental connection.

Lilly began choking on her food as Marcel stared intently at his plate.

"That's enough talk." Marcellus chuckled as he looked around the table. The connection took us a second but we caught on.

"If he is an Oracle of Delphi that means it isn't a myth." Max voiced the revelation. Her expression changed, "That's way cool." She laughed.

Amelia no longer looked flirtatious. The Castilian family looked pale.

Frustrated with being in the dark and always the last to know I slammed my hands on the table. "Someone better start talking" I looked at Marcellus with fury in my eyes.

Marcel began to stand. Sit down Lilly commanded. She looked at her husband sternly. He tried to defy her command. "We are running out of time Marcellus, they are here to help" she urged him.

After a few moments of silence, Amelia shifted in her seat and cleared her throat before speaking.

"What do you know about the forgotten ones?" She asked me softly.

"The name says it all. I have search everywhere and Logan has absorbed a lot of information and we have found nothing." I admitted as Logan nodded in agreement.

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