Chapter 6: Let's Dance

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Pandora's POV

I woke up in the infirmary on campus. The white ceiling and bright florescent lights were typical of a hospital. Only, as I sat up and looked around this was no private room. Just a hall with beds lined out with curtains to create the façade of privacy.

The others were asleep. I looked across to see Logan seated on one side of Mara's bed and Max on the other.  I slid off my own and walked over.  Logan's arm was in a sling and Max's thigh was bandaged. Mara looked like she belonged in a body cast. There were bandages around her abdomen and chest, Her left leg and arm were in casts and her right leg, neck and face were covered with scraps and bruises.

A tear fell onto the foot of the bed as I hung my head. I felt a comforting warmth spread across my back up to my shoulders. Arms wrapped around my chest from behind as a soft sultry voice whispered in my ear.

"It's not your fault, you saved all of us." Lisa tried to comfort me.

"It is her fault, why did she take so damn long to use her light?" Logan's blue eyes were now piercing me with anger and hatred. 

"Would you have preferred she tried and failed?  Then we all would be dead.  You have had years to practice,  hone your abilities, hers were awaken the night before. 2 months ago all she knew was that she was a normal kid going to start college now the fate of all of us are on her shoulders. You should be proud of what we did yesterday, the best of us fought one strigoi and die. We survived a whole coven maybe 2 and lost no one." Lisa came to my defense. I looked at her with grateful eyes.

"She is right Logan. If you are looking for someone to blame, blame the Ash. Better yet blame the forgotten ones for doing this to us." Max sobbed out as she held her sister's hand. 

We were silent as we watched Mara in a comatose sleep. "How is she?" I asked breaking the silence. 

"The doc said she is lucky to be alive. She should be dead." Lisa stepped beside me.

Looking at her, I realized she had no wounds or scars. It was like she was never in a fight. Hair still in a neat pony tail, face only had remnants of the battle seen as a stress out and pained expression but scratch less. 

She smiled at me. You saved her when you gave her the last of your energy. Her lips didn't move, she directed my gaze to Mara. You can heal her completely.

I thought about it for a second.

Logan and Max gave me a disturbed look.  "It's ok let me do this." I tried to calm their fears.  I stretched out took Mara's hand in mine. 

Concentrate, I heard Lisa's voice coaching me. 

Suddenly I felt cold. Our interlocked fingers glowed and Mara's eyes opened. Her body tensed as her chest rose up. She let out a loud groan and  then fell back on the bed. Flashes of light flickered over her scars taking with them the scratches and bruises which painted her body. I released her fingers as she stirred opening her eyes and shifting her arms and legs. 

She stretched as if awakening from a long comfortable sleep.

"It worked!" I shrieked as I pulled her into an embrace. Logan, Max and Lisa quickly joined in.

"Guys you are squeezing the air out of me." Mara complained. We laughed at her words. 

"Are you ok?" Logan inspected her mate. 

"I feel fine," she responded squeezing Logan's hand.  "Really I do." She began to unwrap her bandages. To reveal unblemished skin.

"That's amazing. Hey Panda, how about healing this leg so I don't have to walk around on crutches for the next few weeks?" Max laughed as she attempted to raise her injured leg. 

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