Chapter 3: She's Kinda Hot

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Athena's POV

It has been almost three weeks and I have hardly seen my mate. Between classes and training, her schedule and mine, we have hardly had time to talk or anything more. She has just been so busy, but I've made time to see her. Her scent is enthralling; where ever I am when her scent fill my nostrils like a compulsion I have to go to her. It was subtle, but still there was something indescribable about it that pulled me to her.

It has been years but it still affects me, my whole body would tense and relax at the same time. I had to smile whenever she was near.

I smiled at the thought as I applied the last touches of light make-up. Tonight I would make my affections known, it was time. If not, I may miss my chance for good. I've watched her get stronger as she learns more about her abilities, becoming more beautiful each day. A group of seniors, Moroi vampires have invited a select group of freshmen to their party. I was very shocked to receive an invite as I have kept a low key with all the groups at WU. But Pandora would be there and we would finally have time to socialize.

The familiar fragrance filled the air, I sniffed as the aroma of fresh flowers mixed with something so undeniably sweet and overwhelming entered me. I turned from the mirror to see her leaning on the door frame smiling at me. I broke the silence.

"You like?" I asked as I showed off my black jogger pants which I paired with white vans sk8-hi sneakers and a white crop top which showcased my abs. I smiled at her reaction as she stared mouth open at me. My curled hair dropped over my shoulders and I put on my black jacket and matching snap back cap.

"You look...I mean.. uhm" she cleared her throat and nodded. "You look amazing," I laughed as she finally said the words.

"You're kinda hot too." I smiled back as I placed one arm around her shoulders and the other in my pocket after closing the door to my dorm room. "Let's go show these seniors how to party."


Pandora's POV

As we walked in with our fingers intertwined I felt all eyes piercing us. Athena looked so amazing and I couldn't help feeling her warmth envelop me as she held me close. Stepping into the house she pulled me by the waist before her and rested her head on my shoulder. Her warm breath on my neck was sending chills up my spine. If she lingered too long I swore my legs would give out.

"I wanna start drinking immediately. What would you like?" Her voice was gravelly and dripping with sensuality. My ear felt like someone was applying small electric shocks with each syllable she spoke. I leaned back eyes half closed as I breathe her in.

"Sure," I found myself responding. "I've never had alcohol before." I said realizing for the first time. I pulled forward turning to face her. She smiled at me and I swear if her hands were not still holding my waist I'd have fallen at the angelic sight.

"Finally, you're here, I was beginning to worry that you two ditched us." Jax came over pulling me into a hug. "Lisa is sweet but all she wants to do is tease the others making their drinks hot." She complained rolling her eyes. "We are over here come on." She pulled me towards the rest of the gang who were comfortably seated in the middle of the living room.

I suddenly felt under dressed in my two piece body suit which I dressed up with a black leather designer jacket and black heels. Seated in the middle of the semicircular deep blue sectional sofa was Lisa. Though she was seated I could tell she filled out every curve of her tight red dress. Her heels were also red with straps midway up her ankle with the thinnest, slender high heel. I wondered how it supported her weight. The twins sat on either side of her in black and grey versions of the same strapless short club dress. The others filling out the rest of the sofa made room for Jax and I as Max and Mara glared at them. Logan sitting on the opposing sofa in her designer jeans and multicolored Nike sneakers laughed as two girls hurried from either end of the sofa almost spilling her drink on her white tee.

Athena handed me a glass with a lime wedge and sugar coating the rim. "Don't ask, just drink." She smiled as she sat next to Logan. They shared a mutual smile.

"Cool hat," was all Logan commented as she returned her gaze to Mara and smiled.

I locked eyes with Athena once more and couldn't help but blush as she smiled at me while sipping her drink. I heard a soft chuckle next to me.

"You finished eye banging each other yet?" The silky smooth voice intensified my blush. "She's kinda hot and that's a lot coming from me." Lisa continued softly. Placing her hand on my knee. I felt the spot heat up, not sure if it was me or she was doing it on purpose.

"You are looking quite edible tonight too." Her devilish grin was paired with glowing orange eyes. Her flawless skin was setting my core on fire as I looked directly at her. My eyes trailed down to her ruby lips which were mere inches from mine.

"So Lisa, what are you exactly?" Athena spoke up before I embarrassed myself. Thank God.

Lisa broke contact and glared at her. "Some guardian." She scuffed. "You've never met a Kitsune?" She asked as if it was glaringly obvious.

"Actually no, heard they never leave Japan."

"Well, there is this thing that the humans do and we followed called migrating, its where you get on a big metal bird and it takes you to a new area." She spoke as if speaking to a small child. Picking up her drink from the table before us, she shook her head.

I looked to Mara, lost to the reason for her attitude. "Kitsunes hate dogs, werewolves, anything from that genus really." She tried to clarify but only confused me more. "She is a fox and your girlfriend is a wolf, one chases the other for kicks." She blurted raising her eyebrows.

"Ohh," was all I could offer as the tension in the room rose. I sipped my drink and looked away surveying the rest of the room. The music wasn't too loud and everyone seemed to be having a great time.

The DJ was very good actually. I started tapping my feet as I listened to the music. Walk the Moon's shut up and dance started and that was like a cue. Athena came over with her arm stretched out. Before I could speak she said with the song, "shut and dance with me".

I followed her to the dance floor silently.


Lisa's POV

I watched as Pandora danced with the mutt. Their bodies together were setting my fox on fire. I needed to cool down and soon. My already short dress would burn off. Why was I so turned on by them? Athena is a disgusting wolf and Pandora is not my usual type.

There was something about them. I knew it from the moment I saw them together on the lawn that first time. I enjoyed Jax but she was not my mate. I was beginning to give up hope. I was basically the only one in my pack who had not found a mate yet. To be here for the past three years with Mara and Max finding their mate in Logan was exhausting. I guess they felt my pain as in our sophomore year they toned down the show of affection when I was in the room. Junior year was tolerable only because of Jax but she was starting to annoy me.

My fox craved our mates. I didn't make it any easier by being mean to Athena. I figured if I won over Pandora she would come willingly.

I watched as they moved so in sync with each other. Who knew the mutt could dance. I started to play with my hair as I so often did when lost in thought. Turned on by my view, I guess the DJ thought it wasn't torture enough as he started to play Rihanna's work. That got the party goers into a frenzy; Mara and Max blew past me as they dragged Logan up to dance. Jax also pulled for me to dance and I just stood hoping no one would block my view of my mates. Pandora shed the innocent image I had of her as she twerked on Athena. I was lost in lust and desire, my arousal was strong and all knew it. I saw Athena glance at me. I couldn't stay. Pulling Jax in for a kiss I whispered against her lips.

"Let's get out of here."

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