Chapter 16

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(*So, you're probably all wondering how Austin changed Lucy's world. I'm gonna make this chapter longer than the others and that will be in here. Enjoy!*)


As I drifted off to sleep, I started to dream. Then I realzed that I wasn't dreaming, I was remembering.

Before I met Austin, my life was absolute hell. I was always depressed and my mom and I fought almost constantly. And when we weren't fighting, we didn't really talk. At all. There would be some days when we wouldn't fight. We would just avoid each other completely.

The night before I first met Austin, my mom and I had a huge fight. Probably the biggest one we've ever had.

"How could I produce a daughter like you?!" She screamed at me.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean, mother?!"

"God dammit, Lucy! You are so terrible! You're nothing like me! You say the stupidest things and when is the last time you looked in the mirror?! Have you ever thought about maybe putting some fucking effort into the way you look?!" I stared at her in shock. How could my own mother be saying these things to me? 

"Dad would NEVER talk to me like that."

"Well, I hate to break it to you, but your father is GONE. You're stuck with me. And I will NOT have my daughter being so fat and worthless!"

"FUCK YOU!!!! I HATE YOU!" She walked over and slapped me. "You hit like a pussy!" And I ran to my room. I slammed my door shut as tears streamed down my face. 

I heard a scream and loud bang from the kitchen, where my mother had said those awful things to me. All of my friends wonder where my insecurities come from. They all don't understand why I think so lowly of myself. Well, my mother. My mother was the one who tore me down and made me feel like shit. I couldn't wait to get out of here. 4 years was a long time, but I could manage if I just basically stayed in my room. Well, at least when she was home. Luckily, she wasn't home very often. She was at work a lot. She left for work when I left for school, and didn't get back until late. But hey, that was her choice. My mother has a really fun job. All she does is draw designs for hotels, houses, skyscrapers. That sort of stuff. 

I was really surprised at myself for saying "fuck you" to my mom. But she deserved it! How dare she say those things to me?!

I realized how hard I was crying and finally stopped. Crying really wore me out, so I decided to go to bed. Thank goodness tomorrow was Friday. Then I could just be by myself for the entire weekend and do whatever I wanted to. I went to my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't like what I saw. I saw ugliness, fatness. I saw a disappointment.

That memory faded and then I remembered when Austin and I had celebrated our 1 month anniversary. I remembered the first time he told me he loved me. I remembered how he changed my world. How he made me slowly forget about my insecurities, how he made everything seem like it was okay.

Being with Austin made me happy, and that seemed to lighten the mood a little, which caused my mom and I to fight less. Eventually we stopped fighting. I mean, we would argue occasionally about how she thought I was being too serious with Austin. I would always win those arguments because I would just end up telling her that I wasn't leaving him no matter how badly she wanted me to.

(*A/N: Okay so this is probably going to be REALLY confusing at first, but I'm changing it to what is happening, is happening right then. Like, it's not going to be in past tense anymore because it's happening right now. Present time! You'll get used to it<3 *)

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