Chapter 11

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~*Lucy's P.O.V.*~

I told Austin I loved him for the first time the week before. He told me he loved me too. Before we had said that we loved each other, we kissed every once in a while. But after that we kissed every time we saw each other. And I loved it. His lips were always so soft and warm.

That day was the last day of school and Austin and I decided to meet each other there. I walked and his mom took him. When I got to school, Austin was at the front door, surrounded by girls. It did make me a little jealous, but then I remembered what I could do.

"Hey baby!" I ran up to him and planted a kiss right on his lips. The girls were in shock for a minute but they decided to just brush it off. I grabbed Austin's hand and he held it back. "So, what were you all talking about?"

"Nothing much. Just random stuff." Austin smirked at me. "Babe, let's go. I don't want to be late or anything." He said goodbye to the girls and we went into the school. "I know what you were doing back there. You're such a dork." He laughed to himself.

"It's not my fault that you're so attractive." I stuck my tongue out at him and he mimicked me.

We swung our hands and walked down the hallway to our classrooms. Austin had the same schedule as me starting at 3rd period. So for 1st and 2nd, we weren't together. And honestly, that made me nervous. Not because I didn't trust Austin, in fact I trusted Austin with everything I had, it was the girls I didn't trust. Every single girl in our school has a crush on him. Well, at least it seems that way. But, since today was the last day of school, the entire school ditched classes and threw a party type thing. That meant Austin and I could be together all day.

"Lucy!" I turned around to see Kristin waving at me with a big grin on her face.

"Hey girly!" I let go of Austin's hand and hugged her. "What's up?"

"Well, um... I was wondering if I could hang out with you guys today? Drew is with his friends."

Drew was her boyfriend. "Yeah, of course! That's okay, right Austin?" Austin nodded. "Well alright then! Let's go mess stuff up!" I winked at Austin and he grabbed my hand again.


Kristin had just left because Drew wanted to be with her. Good. I loved Kristin and all, but I wanted to be alone with Austin. Even though we were basically inseparable. When I wasn't with him, I felt... Empty. Like I was incomplete. 

Anyway, we went to go outside because Austin wanted to eat. He grabbed a plate and so did I. I loaded it up with stuff knowing that I was going to give it to Austin. If there's one thing I learned about him, it's that he can eat! After he had filled his plate up to where it couldn't hold any more, Austin decided to go and sit down. I followed and then put my plate down in front of his.

"Babe, you really should eat something." He looked at me concerned. 

"No. I'm fine. I'm really not hungry." I gave him a reassuring look and kissed his cheek.

A few friends of Austin came and sat down with us. They talked to him about all kinds of stuff, and I just sat there, listening. Eventually I got bored so I kissed Austin's cheek and left the table. I just walked around and looked at everything that was going on. I saw other couples holding hands, water balloons being thrown, faces being stuffed and other girls and boys doing what I was doing- observing.

I sat down against a wall and closed my eyes for a minute. I felt my hand being held and I opened my eyes to see it was Austin. He wasn't sitting down, he was still standing so I stood up too. He spun me around so that my back was facing him and he hugged me from behind. I loved this position.

"Baby, I want to ask you something, okay?" I just nodded. "I was planning on doing a Ustream tonight. And I want you to be with me when I do it."

"Really? You do?" I turned my head as far as I could to the right.

"Yes, I do. I want to introduce you to all of my Mahomies. So, will you do it?"

I got out of his grip and hugged him from the front. "Of course!"

He's proud to have me! I love this boy.

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